



- 新發現的梵高素描長啥樣? -


《蒙馬特的山與採石場》這幅畫本是Van Vlissingen藝術基金會收藏的不知名作品,梵高博物館對這幅畫的主題、風格、技巧、材料、出處進行了大量的研究,才確定它出自大師梵高。



梵高美術館研究員Teio Meedendorp 說:“這兩幅畫顯然出自一人之手,與梵高從1886年開始在安特衛普、之後在巴黎科爾蒙工作室的繪畫風格相似,並且使用了相同的材料,此外主題與當年春季和初夏梵高在蒙馬特的畫作也是一脈相承的。


兩幅畫都會在荷蘭Singer Laren博物館的Impressionism & Beyond. A Wonderful Journey展覽裏面世,畫展持續到5月6日,同時還會展覽莫奈、馬奈、雷諾阿、德加、畢沙羅、高更、西斯萊、西涅克、範棟勤、馬蒂斯、杜飛、諾爾德和畢加索等大師的作品。展品來自Van Vlissingen藝術基金會。

(Van Vlissingen藝術基金會由成功商人John Fentener van Vlissingen和他的妻子於45年前創立,收藏了大量珍貴藝術品。上圖爲John Fentener van Vlissingen



- 梵高的風景畫 -

Driveway 1872-1873


Vincent van Gogh · 1873

Town d'Avray: L'Etang au BatelierVincent van Gogh · 1875

Vicarage and Church at Etten

Vincent van Gogh · 1876

Marsh with Water Lillies

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

A Marsh

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Road with Pollard Willows and Man with Broom

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Road with Pollard Willows

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Field with Thunderstorm

Vincent van Gogh · 1881


Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Fish-Drying Barn

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Study of a Tree

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Landscape in Drenthe

Vincent van Gogh · 1883


Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Shepherd with Flock near a Little Church at Zweeloo

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Avenue of Poplars

Vincent van Gogh · 1884

Landscape at Nuenen

Vincent van Gogh · 1884

Pine Trees in the Fen

Vincent van Gogh · 1884

Restaurant de la Sirene at AsnieresVincent van Gogh · 1887

View from the Apartment in the Rue LepicVincent van Gogh · 1887

Field with Flowers

Vincent van Gogh · 1888

La Crau Seen from MontmajourVincent van Gogh · 1888

Landscape with Path and Pollard TreesVincent van Gogh · 1888

Landscape with a Tree in the ForegroundVincent van Gogh · 1888

The Corner of the Park

Vincent van Gogh · 1888

Pine Trees in Front of the Wall of the AsylumVincent van Gogh · 1889

Pine Trees near the Wall of the AsylumVincent van Gogh · 1889

Pine Trees Seen against the Wall of the AsylumVincent van Gogh · 1889

Tree with Ivy in the Asylum Garden

Vincent van Gogh · 1889

Country Road

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Cottages and Trees

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Field with a Sower

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Landscape with the Oise

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Branch with Leaves

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

- 梵高的人物畫 -


Vincent van Gogh · 1880

Field in a Thunderstorm

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Woman Churning Butter

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Scheveningen Woman SewingVincent van Gogh · 1881

Sower with Basket

Vincent van Gogh · 1881

Figure of a Woman with Unfinished Chair

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Man with his head in his hands

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Man Sitting by the Stove The PauperVincent van Gogh · 1882

Man with Top Hat

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Orphan Man in Sunday Clothes with Eye BandageVincent van Gogh · 1882

People Walking on the Beach

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Beach and Boats

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Prayer Before the Meal

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

The Bookseller Blok

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Torn-Up Street with Diggers

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Woman in a Dark Dress (Sien's Mother)

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Woman on a Road with Pollard Willows

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Woman with a Broom

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Woman with a Broom

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Worn Out

Vincent van Gogh · 1882

Churchyard in the Rain

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Fisherman with Sou'wester, head

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Fisherman with Sou'wester, Pipe and Coal-pan

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Girl Kneeling by a Cradle

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Girl with Pinafore, Half-Figure

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Head of a Fisherman with a Fringe of Beard and a Sou'westerVincent van Gogh · 1883

Head of a Woman

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Head of a Woman

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Snowy Landscape with Stooping Woman

Vincent van Gogh · 1883

Peasant Woman at the Washtub and Peasant Woman Hanging Up theLaundryVincent van Gogh · 1885

Two Self-Portraits and Several Details

Vincent van Gogh · 1886

Portrait of Père Tanguy

Vincent van Gogh · 1887

Strollers and Onlookers at a Place of Entertainment

Vincent van Gogh · 1887

People Walking in Front of Snow-Covered Cottage

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Four Men on a Road with Pine TreesVincent van Gogh · 1890

Sheet with Figures at a Table, a Sower, Clogs, etcVincent van Gogh · 1890

Two Men on a Road with Pine Trees

Vincent van Gogh · 1890

Sketch of Diggers and Other Figures

Vincent van Gogh · 1890


福利 | 關於梵高,他的一切都在這裏了,感動了5萬人!(內含300張高清圖)











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