


主教科目:托福听力,SAT 数学

大学英语专业在校期间参加过 CCTV 英语演讲比赛一等奖,拥有高级口译证书,英语专业八级证书,教师资格证,参加过 ETS 官方培训。授课主张“building the bridge between learning and test”:在教授考试技巧的同时,通过生动的背景引入培养起学生对于考试的兴趣,让学生在课上课下都能够“listen to learn”。曾通过8h的SAT一对一课程让学生达到了理想的申请分数,通过 2 小时的一对一让学生的托福听力单项从25分冲到了满分30分。


1. 代数Heart of algebra

linear equation和linear function仍是考察重点,注意复习slope以及线性图像。

2. 数据分析problem solving and data analysis

→各种图表题依旧出现在每场sat数学考试中:Scatter plot, table, graph等。 尤其注意复习scatter plot,可以参考OG例题;

统计考点:mean,median,random sampling等。

3. 高等数学passport to advanced math

考查Polynomial function:比如抛物线顶点,二次函数方程等

4. 其他部分additional topics






Coco 朱晨昕

主教科目:SAT 语法,GMAT 语法,托福听力

大学英语专业在校期间参加过 CCTV 英语演讲比赛一等奖,拥有高级口译证书,英语专业八级证书,教师资格证,参加过 ETS 官方培训。授课主张“building the bridge between learning and test”:在教授考试技巧的同时,通过生动的背景引入培养起学生对于考试的兴趣,让学生在课上课下都能够“listen to learn”。曾通过8h的SAT一对一课程让学生达到了理想的申请分数,通过 2 小时的一对一让学生的托福听力单项从25分冲到了满分30分。


1. Movable books: Precursor for Pop-ups

中世纪末期,出现了movable books。书里面有各种插画,有的用来提醒小孩要爱护书籍。书里面有不同的八首诗,对应八种不同的移动设计。插画家会把详细的操作过程写出来指导操作,由于高技术的约束,这些操作在当时只是富人的专属,后来随着因特网的盛行,人们可以直接从网上看到了。



2. Monopolizing games: the landlord Board Game

这篇文章介绍了大富翁游戏。提到了大富翁游戏是如何兴起的,以及游戏的内容:在这种游戏中,人们通过买卖,租赁房屋等交易活动获利,最终的赢家赢得一切,体现了资本主义经济的残酷。游戏的创始人认为公共资本本来就不该被私有化,这是一种罪恶的行径。因此,后来她对游戏进行了改动,设计了the landlord Board Game,这款游戏允许玩家根据自己的兴趣形成自己的游戏版本。当时有一个叫Charles的年轻人建立了一套标准的游戏模式,被游戏开发者收购,双方均获利。



3. insulation work is heating up



引入题 ,语气题,两道图表题,词汇题,标点题,过渡题等。

4. Neither wind nor ice nor gloom of the night





近义词辨析:uplifting, glorifying, improving, enriching

词组搭配:in agreement with, be synonymous with, be accompanied by, in step with

近义词辨析:Unsuitable, unseasonable, incoherent, inauspicious


本次考试考察了对于基础语法点的掌握:句子结构,时态,平行结构,标点使用,代词等,其中语法题的难点在于对于run-on sentence这种错误类型的辨识,区分限定和非限定性定语从句。内容题考察了语义重复,引入题,主旨题,细节题,以及上下文的逻辑。



Laura 王璐

主教科目:托福听力,托福写作、ACT 写作,SAT 写作

托福阅读和听力双料满分,有着跨行业背景的英语教师。美国 UC-Berkeley Haas 商学院硕士,毕业后,曾在汤森路透任职数据分析师。

授课风格语言流畅,语音标准,有气场。擅长在课程中,结合自己在美国的学习经历,深入浅出,让同学们真正感受、理解到英语用词的精准之处;擅长从英语文学逻辑与批评的角度深入授课。与此同时,将所授知识点与自身留学经验相结合,让同学们在深化记忆知识点的同时能够快速了解且适应独自在外的学习与生活。曾通过 VIP 一对一授课培养出 20 位托福写作 28+学员、10余位SAT写作20+学员。

一. 写作原文

Adapted from Joanne Lipman “Let’s Expose the Gender Pay GAP” 2015 The New York Times Company. Originally published Aug. 13, 2015.

1 HOW serious are we, really, about tackling income equality? ...

2 The Security and Exchange Commission tool a shot at it last week, approving a rule that would require companies to disclose their C.E.O.pay gap— comparing how much chief executive officers take home compared with ordinary employees.

3 That’s a fine idea. But here’s better one: require companies to publish their gender pay gap.

4 Think about it. Calling out top executives form making too much money will at most embarrass a few suits. But calling out companies for paying women too little will help millions— and perhaps cracks one of the most intractable problem of our time.

5 More than a half-century after President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the gap between what men and women earn has defied every effort to close it. And it can’t be explained away as a statistical glitch, a function of women preferring lower-paying industries or choosing to take time off for kids.

6 Claudia Goldin, a labor economist at Harvard, has crunched the numbers and found that the gap persists for identical jobs, even after controlling for hours, education, race and age. Female doctors and surgeons, for example, earn 71 percent of what their male colleagues make, while female financial specialists are paid just 66 percent as much as comparable men. Other researchers have calculated that women one year out of college earn 6.6 percent less than men after controlling for occupation and hours, and that female M.B.A. graduates earn on average $4,600 less than their male classmates for their first jobs.

7 It’s not that men are intentionally discriminating against women—far from it. I’ve spent the past year interviewing male executives for a book about men and women in the workplace. A vast majority of them are fair-minded guys who want women to succeed. They’re absolutely certain that they don’t have a gender problem themselves; it must be some other guys who do. Yet they’re leaders of companies that pay men more than women for the same jobs.

8 Women are trying mightily to close that chasm on their own. Linda Babcock, an economist at Carnegie Mellon and co-author of the book “Women Don’t Ask,” has found that one reason for the disparity is that men are four times more likely to ask for a raise than women are, and that when women do ask, we ask for 30 percent less. And so women are told we need to lean in, to demand to be paid what we’re worth. It’s excellent advice—except it isn’t enough.

9 There is an antidote to the problem. Britain recently introduced a plan requiring companies with 250 employees or more to publicly report their own gender pay gap. It joins a handful of other countries, including Austria and Belgium, that have introduced similar rules. (In the United States, President Obama last year signed a presidential memorandum instructing federal contractors to report wage information by gender and race to the Department of Labor.) The disclosures “will cast sunlight on the discrepancies and create the pressure we need for change, driving women’s wages up,” Prime Minister David Cameron said last month.

10 Critics of the British plan protest that it’s too expensive and complex. Some contend that it doesn’t address the root of the problem: systemic issues that block women from higher-paying industries, and social issues like unconscious bias.

11 But real-world results suggest otherwise. Last year, the consulting firm Price water house Coopers voluntarily released its gender pay gap in Britain, one of five firms in the country, including AstraZeneca, to do so. Simply saying the number out loud “created much more momentum internally” to close it, Sarah Churchman, who runs the firm’s British diversity and inclusion efforts, told me.

12 Price water house Coopers’s analysis showed that most of its 15.1 percent pay disparity (compared with a Britain-wide gap of more than 19 percent) reflected a lack of women in senior jobs. So the firm focused on whether it was promoting fairly. In 2013, the grade just below partner was 30 percent female, yet only 16 percent of those promoted to partner were women. A year later, the percentage of women promoted to partner had more than doubled...

13 The potential cost savings of publishing the gender wage gap are enormous. About 20 percent of large companies now train employees to recognize unconscious bias, spending billions of dollars to try to stamp out unintentional discrimination. Paying for a salary analysis is cheaper and potentially more effective. Evidence also suggests that less secrecy about pay results in greater employee loyalty and lower turnover...

14 Political realities being what they are, the chances of achieving [full] transparency are slim; even the tepid C.E.O. pay gap rule took the S.E.C. five years to push through, in the face of fierce industry opposition.

15 But why would we not want a measure that will settle the controversy over the pay gap with quantifiable facts? Shining some much-needed sunlight on the gender wage gap will make a difference for every one of us, men and women, right now.


作者Joanne Lipman 号召各国的公司应该公开男性与女性员工的工资差。












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来源 | 江苏朗阁外语培训中心

