摘要:刘兴坪先生荣获“中国艺术博览优秀艺术家”、“世界华人艺术精英成果奖”、“全球华裔书画精英成就金像奖”、“共和国50年人民书画艺术家银质勋章奖”、 “世界华人杰出艺术家”、“世界优秀专家人才”、“中华艺苑名家”、 “世界华人突出贡献专家”、“中华慈善艺术家奖”、“八荣八耻箴言录创作金奖”、“十大中国书画大师”、“中华名人格言金奖作品”、“中华杰出人物长城贡献奖”、“中国书画名家慈善贡献奖”、“2008年中国公益艺术家”、 “中国著名书画名人”、“中国书画艺术代表人物”、“中国当代杰出书法艺术家”、“书法界泰斗”、“民族文化保护与传承杰出贡献奖”、“上海世博会联合国千年发展目标爱心人士”、“中国国粹文化杰出成就奖”、“首批中国新时期十年文艺国学家金奖”、“二十一世纪名人诗词格言金奖”、“军旅功模”、“国礼艺术家”、“中华文艺大师·终身成就奖”、“书香门第 文明家庭”、“行业榜样人物”、“世界杰出华人艺术领袖”、“中国当代著名书法艺术家”、“推动中华民族伟大复兴杰出爱国人士”、“中国梦全国书画大展金梦奖”、“中国当代最具收藏价值书画家”、“艺坛领袖人物”、“人民喜爱的艺术家”、“中美杰出华人艺术家”、“中南海国礼中心国礼艺术家”、“中国艺术金马奖”、“中国国际艺坛巨匠”、“中国文化传承大使”、“2018.新时代.新征程.大国崛起--纪念改革开放40周年名家书画展览金奖”、“改革开放40周年黄金画代表人物”、“德艺双馨艺术家”等荣誉称号。现为中国国家博物馆画廊艺委会委员、苏富比艺术研究院研究员、中华爱国英才报效祖国活动组织委员会副秘书长、国际美联组织委员会副主席、国际华人艺术家协会终身名誉主席、中国书画名家网书画名家作品博览会顾问、人民美术报理事会艺术顾问、中访网全媒体中心艺术顾问、中央电视台综艺频道星光大道栏目组艺术顾问等诸多社会职务及历届世界华人艺术大会活动顾问,为人类艺术事业作出了重大贡献。




Liu Xingping, pen name Kesi, Zhai Yihaixuan. Male, Han nationality, born in Tengxian, Shandong Province in October 1960, is a world-class artist living in Beijing.

Influenced by Lu Lishao, Li Keran, Lin Sanzhi and Wu Zhongqi, he devoted himself to calligraphy and painting, summarized and studied self-knowledge, spirit, spirit, morality, courage, pride, bitterness, selection and true cross skill. Now specializing in the study of lists, calligraphy creation; good at discovering and correcting problems, creating sentences, epigrams, aphorisms, writing couplets, fine appreciation. He is a thinker, philosopher, educator and creator of the twenty-first century.



The Chinese Patriotic Talents'Declaration of Serving the Motherland, written by Mr. Liu Xingping, is "The Great Miracle of China, the Great Wall of China, and the Long March of Wanli". They are the crystallization of the will of China in ancient and modern times, and their sacred creation touches the people of the world". They are rich in connotation, profound in thought, powerful and deeply touching. They will be engraved permanently on the Great Wall of Juyongguan, Beijing. A list of merits and virtues.



As a patriotic talented person, Mr. Liu Xingping, with the lofty spirit, strong sense ofresponsibility and broad mind of outstanding artists and excellent social activists, conscientiously carries out the major policy of the Party and the government, follows the literary and artistic policy of "letting a hundred flowers blossom, weeding out the old and bringing forth the new", devotes himself to the cause of calligraphy art, and has been engaged in the research, creation and promotion of calligraphy art for a long time. "Calligraphy art has a high attainment and is in the realm of pure green fire. It is unique in the field of Chinese Calligraphy art and has a good reputation both at home and abroad, and has set up a monument for successful people. Mr. Zhang insists on "excellent art serves the people". He writes like a dragon and snake, spreads benevolence widely, promotes excellent Chinese civilization, provides spiritual impetus for socialist modernization construction, provides excellent spiritual food for the people, wins good social reputation, and establishes a brilliant reputation building for artists. Mr. Liu Xingping's name and his declaration of patriotism and patriotism will last forever with the "Patriotic Merit List" of the Great Wall, which will be popular for hundreds of generations and inspire hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants to strive for the prosperity and strength of the motherland. Mr. Liu has won the supreme honor for his family and is loved by the people of his family.



Mr. Liu Xingping more clearly elaborated on the writing of "Chinese characters are the cultural art of speech". Through his wisdom, he summed up the phrase "there is a sense of painting in the book, and the beauty of calligraphy in the picture", and used his thoughts and creative feelings to narrate the perfect result of thousands of years of cultural ties. He condensed the beauty of nature and human soul to create the absolute beauty of "good is the air of nature". It was also shown on CCTV Channel 11, and was invited to interview with Hong Kong Limited Television (focusing on China), China Network Television Art Station and Art Vision. Liu Xingping, a character feature film of CCTV, is broadcast on CCTV's old story channel. In 2015, he was awarded the Yearbook of the People's Republic of China. Win the War Special Interview with the National Innovative Artists'Congress and the 2016 National Innovative Artists' Congress. CCTV HD along with all the outstanding calligraphers and artists.


刘兴坪先生荣获“中国艺术博览优秀艺术家”、“世界华人艺术精英成果奖”、“全球华裔书画精英成就金像奖”、“共和国50年人民书画艺术家银质勋章奖”、 “世界华人杰出艺术家”、“世界优秀专家人才”、“中华艺苑名家”、 “世界华人突出贡献专家”、“中华慈善艺术家奖”、“八荣八耻箴言录创作金奖”、“十大中国书画大师”、“中华名人格言金奖作品”、“中华杰出人物长城贡献奖”、“中国书画名家慈善贡献奖”、“2008年中国公益艺术家”、 “中国著名书画名人”、“中国书画艺术代表人物”、“中国当代杰出书法艺术家”、“书法界泰斗”、“民族文化保护与传承杰出贡献奖”、“上海世博会联合国千年发展目标爱心人士”、“中国国粹文化杰出成就奖”、“首批中国新时期十年文艺国学家金奖”、“二十一世纪名人诗词格言金奖”、“军旅功模”、“国礼艺术家”、“中华文艺大师·终身成就奖”、“书香门第 文明家庭”、“行业榜样人物”、“世界杰出华人艺术领袖”、“中国当代著名书法艺术家”、“推动中华民族伟大复兴杰出爱国人士”、“中国梦全国书画大展金梦奖”、“中国当代最具收藏价值书画家”、“艺坛领袖人物”、“人民喜爱的艺术家”、“中美杰出华人艺术家”、“中南海国礼中心国礼艺术家”、“中国艺术金马奖”、“中国国际艺坛巨匠”、“中国文化传承大使”、“2018.新时代.新征程.大国崛起--纪念改革开放40周年名家书画展览金奖”、“改革开放40周年黄金画代表人物”、“德艺双馨艺术家”等荣誉称号。

Mr. Liu Xingping was awarded the "Excellent Artist of China Art Expo", "Achievement Award of World Chinese Art Elite", "Golden Statue Award for Achievement of Global Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Elite", "Silver Medal Award for People's Calligraphy and Painting Artists in the 50 Years of the Republic", "Excellent Artists of the World", "Excellent Experts of the World", "Famous Artists of the Chinese Art Academy", "Experts of "Chinese Charitable Artist Award", "Eight Honors and Eight Shames Proverbs Gold Award for Creation", "Ten Great Masters of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting", "Gold Award for Work of Chinese Famous Personality", "Great Wall Contribution Award for Chinese Outstanding Persons", "Charitable Contribution Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters", "2008 Chinese Public Welfare Artist", "Famous Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters", "Representative Person Excellent contemporary Chinese calligraphy artists, elite calligraphers, outstanding contributions to the protection and inheritance of national culture, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals Loving Persons at the Shanghai World Expo, the Outstanding Achievement Award of Chinese Quintessence Culture, the first batch of Golden Awards for Chinese Literary and Artistic Nationalists in the New Period, the Golden Award for Poetry and Analects of the 21st Century, the Golden Award for Military Merit Model Li Artist, Chinese Master of Literature and Art, Lifelong Achievement Award, Civilized Family, Industry Model Person, World Outstanding Chinese Art Leader, Chinese Contemporary Famous Calligraphy Artist, Outstanding Patriot to Promote the Great Renaissance of the Chinese Nation, Golden Dream Award of China Dream National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, Chinese Contemporary Most Collective Value Calligrapher and Painter "Art leaders", "People's favorite artists", "Chinese and American outstanding artists", "Central South China Sea National Ritual Center National Ritual Artists", "Golden Horse Award for Chinese Art", "China's International Artists", "Ambassador for Chinese Cultural Heritage", "2018. New Age. New Journey. Rise of Great Powers--Golden Prize for Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up", "Change On the 40th anniversary of the Opening of the People's Republic of China, such honorary titles as representative figures of gold paintings and "artists of both virtue and art" were given.



He is currently a member of the Art Committee of the Gallery of the National Museum of China, a researcher of Sotheby's Institute of Art, a deputy secretary-general of the Organizing Committee of Chinese Patriotic Talents for Motherland Activities, a vice-chairman of the International Federation of American Organizations, a lifelong honorary chairman of the International Association of Chinese Artists, an advisor to the Exposition of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Paintings, an art advisor to the Council of the People Media Center Art Consultant, CCTV Variety Art Channel Starlight Avenue Column Group Art Consultant and other social positions, as well as activities consultants of previous World Chinese Art Congresses, have made great contributions to the cause of human art.










