
Remarks by Ambassador Cui Tiankai On the Open Day of the Chinese Embassy in the US

考克斯先生(Tim Cox,哥伦比亚特区文化旅游机构董事会主席),


Mr. Tim Cox 【Chair of the Board of Directors of Cultural Tourism DC】,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


Good morning! On behalf of all of us at the Chinese Embassy, I would like to extend a warm welcome!


One year ago nearly to the day, we opened the Embassy for you to "experience China" firsthand. On that day, over 8,000 people visited us. The overwhelming passion of the American people for friendship with China was heartwarming, and we are proud and honored to open our door again this year.


Opening the Embassy to the public has made more friends for us here in Washington D.C., and has deepened Americans' understanding of China. This literal opening of our Embassy doors is symbolic of the opening-up policy which has indelibly advanced China's development. And it is from the perspective of development that we want to share with you China's story today.


China's story of development goes back over 70 years, to the founding of the People's Republic of China. At that time, China was still poor and weak. Millions were without sufficient food or clothing, decent housing and access to education. Look at it now. Our country is developing at a breathtaking speed. High-speed trains, towering skyscrapers, and fast-approaching 5G life etc. surpass the wildest dreams of past generations. But for the Chinese, this story is not about the spectacular – it is about people. Indeed, our development objectives are all about creating better lives for our people.


Of course, to have a full picture of a developing China, it is not enough to just look at today or the past 70 years. One must consider the Chinese civilization that has lasted uninterruptedly for 5,000 years, which shaped our proud customs and ideals. The Chinese civilization features "HE"(和) and "HE"(合). The first means our pursuit of peace and harmony, and the second is about a culture growing with inclusiveness and integration. Imbued with the cherished traditions of our civilization, we have chosen and will keep to the path of peaceful development. We are committed to building together with other countries a community of nations with a shared future.


When sharing with you the story of 70 years, the story of the past 40 years is particularly important and dear to us. China and the US established diplomatic relations 40 years ago, creating the crucial external conditions for China's reform and opening-up and its subsequent rapid development. The overall stability of China-US relations over the past four decades has been a blessing to not only our two countries, but the whole world. And the essence of the 40-year story is amity between the people, which lays the foundation for and shapes the future of our relations.


We have with us today the prize winners of "My China Album" event. I believe that your stories, as part of our 40-year friendship, will always be a source of inspiration and motivation for us.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Friends,


You have come to the Embassy with passion for China and with support for China-US relations. The Embassy offers a cultural showcase to experience and celebrate: there are exhibitions about China's technological advances and our cooperation with the US in this field; exhibitions about our 40-year diplomatic relations and about the Belt and Road Initiative. And there are also more interactive displays of Chinese calligraphy, tea ceremony, martial arts, folk music and dances. These are all gems of the Chinese civilization. Of course, your visit today will culminate with "a bite of China", as we have prepared delicious Chinese food for you.


And don't forget that the chancery building, a masterpiece by the renowned Chinese American architect I.M.Pei, is itself a treasure. Its architectural style is a best example of fusion between the East and the West, between Chinese and American cultures.


I hope that starting from your visit today, you will continue to experience and explore more about an open, friendly and developing China with your eyes and heart, and work with us to nurture our friendship and mutual understanding in the future.



I want to thank Cultural Tourism DC for offering this platform and sharing their experience with us. My thanks also go to Huangshan municipal government, Huangshan Tourism Development Company, China Intercontinental Communication Center, China National Tourist Office in New York, Air China Office in Washington DC, Representative Office of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in the US and all the Chinese partners for making today's event possible.

Thank you!



