摘要:委内瑞拉反对派领导人胡安-瓜伊多呼吁军队与他一起将独裁者马杜罗赶走,但政变似乎在一天之后失败了。Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido called for the military to join him and oust dictator Nicolas Maduro, but the coup appeared to have fizzled a day later.。

今天我们要学的词是fizzle.fizzle 的原意是渐弱的嘶嘶声,引申出来就是逐渐消失,悄悄失败。

Venezuela's opposition leader Juan Guaido called for the military to join him and oust dictator Nicolas Maduro, but the coup appeared to have fizzled a day later.


As RussiaGate fizzles with the release of the Robert Mueller report and the lack of collusion-related indictments, some started questioning the motives of the investigation.

