英國唱作人、作曲家、鋼琴家、演員及時裝達人Elton John,一直非常活躍於樂壇,去年適逢是他的70歲大壽及與他的長期音樂拍檔Bernie Taupin合作的50週年,於11月特別推出合輯《Diamonds》,精選Elton從1970至2016年的心水之作,於英國得到雙金唱片銷量!

Elton John創作靈感不僅於此,事隔不足5個月,於4月6日雙料推出兩張專輯《Restoration》和《Revamp》,兩張大碟均收錄13首歌曲,全是Elton John和Bernie Taupin的經典作,邀請不同年代的歌手演繹並配上全新混音。 《Restoration》以鄉謠音樂爲主軸;《Revamp》風格則跨領域包含Hip-hop、Soul、搖滾和流行各類曲風,Elton John分享專輯製作的感受:「作品得到不同歌手寵愛並願意花時間重新演譯是我的榮幸。我和Bernie身爲作曲和作詞人,都非常高興能邀到我們欣賞的歌手參與今次錄製,他們都爲作品帶來獨特的個人風格。這代表了我們的作品經過時間洗禮仍保持討好新一代年輕樂迷的實力。我們非常感謝各位參與這次灌錄過程的歌手和樂隊。」

《Revamp》請來不少當今年輕歌手演繹,有Sam Smith、Lady Gaga、The Killers、P!nk、Coldplay、Florence + The Machine等等,當中爲香港人比較熟悉的作品“Candle In The Wind”由英國紅髮情歌王子Ed Sheeran重新演繹,歌曲於1973年推出,原紀念已逝世的一代性感物瑪麗蓮·夢露,1997年Elton John再爲歌曲增添愁緒音符,此版本又名“Goodbye England's Rose” ,獻給受全世界愛載,不幸在車禍身亡的威爾斯王妃戴安娜。今次的版本大量加入Ed Sheeran拿手的木結他彈奏,爲歌曲添上活力及生氣,別有一番風味。

Goodbye Norma Jeane

Though I never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

They crawled out of the woodwork

And they whispered into your brain

They set you on the treadmill

And they made you change your name

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would've liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Loneliness was tough

The toughest role you ever played

Hollywood created a superstar

And pain was the price you paid

Even when you died

Oh the press still hounded you

All the papers had to say

Was that Marilyn was found in the nude

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would've liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Goodbye Norma Jeane

Though I never knew you at all

You had the grace to hold yourself

While those around you crawled

Goodbye Norma Jeane

From the young man in the 22nd row

Who sees you as something more than sexual

More than just our Marilyn Monroe

And it seems to me you lived your life

Like a candle in the wind

Never knowing who to cling to

When the rain set in

And I would've liked to have known you

But I was just a kid

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did

Your candle burned out long before

Your legend ever did
