哈佛大学能源系教授丹尼尔·诺塞拉发明了一种能够模仿光合作用的人造叶子。然而,他不只是复制了大自然 – 而是超越了它。即使最高效的植物也只能把接触到的阳光的1%转变成能量,而这个人造版本是它的10倍。不过,它还处于早期研究阶段。要想利用这种方式产生经济效益,科学家们还要进行许多工作。






翻译:凯瑟琳·奥尔森(Katherine Olson)

来源:Mega 2018年7月28日刊

Besting Nature

Harvard University Professor of Energy Daniel Nocera has developed an artificial leaf chip to mimic photosynthesis. But more than just copying nature, Nocera’s technology outdoes it. While the most efficient plants can convert about 1 per cent of sunlight into energy, manmade versions could produce at least 10 times better results—though it’s early days yet. Considerable work remains to be done before the technology could produce power in a commercially useful way.

 Traditional silicon-based photovoltaic cells rely on the photoelectric effect—absorbed light triggering the release of electrons—to generate a current that can power something or charge a battery. Nocera’s method involves speeding up chemical reactions with a catalyst. “Plants take hydrogen in the dark and combine it with carbon dioxide to make fuel” in the form of sugars, he says. “We realised you can take the hydrogen from artificial leaves and then, using the tools of synthetic biology, engineer bacteria“ to convert the hydrogen and carbon dioxide to liquid hydrocarbon fuels as well as plastic chemical precursors.

Unfortunately, the nickel alloy in his cell in effect poisoned the bacteria by damaging its DNA. But 2017, Nocera, came up with a replacement, a new cobalt-based catalyst. Except now, rather than generating hydrocarbons, the solar cell converted solar energy into biomass—at a 10-fold greater efficiency than fast-growing crops like switch grass—that could then be converted into fuels like bioalcohols and hydrocarbon fuels with a further stage.

This technology’s commercial applications are, however, probably years away, if not more. There are several hurdles that must be overcome first. Today’s methods for making hydrogen from an artificial leaf are likely to cost 10 times more than just making it from fossil fuels. To reduce the cost gap, the technology’s developers need to simplify making and installing their systems and to ensure they can last as long as other solar options, which is about 20 years—not always an easy feat.

For instance, producing oxygen from water, makes the solution acidic, which can damage the electrodes and catalysts. Materials that can survive the acidity tend to be expensive. Nocera’s solution was to make his catalysts self-healing. Another possible solution is a thin coating of conducting oxide films—the active ingredient in sunscreen—can protect the electrodes and catalysts, but there’s plenty of work still to be done on other aspects.

The price of making hydrogen from an artificial leaf and fuels from the bionic leaf might not matter as much in places that lack conventional energy infrastructure. In these sorts of places, no matter what approach is taken, fuel will be expensive. Rather than spend on a polluting source of power, like a coal plant, a country could invest in distributed systems powered by artificial photosynthesis. Eventually, artificial leaves could be the new wave of green energy.
