

摘要:"Seamless," according to Michael Malone, who got good first-hand recommendations from Nuggets president of basketball operations Tim Connelly and assistant coach Wes Unseld Jr. Both were working with the Wizards when Washington selected Young 16th overall in 2007 and rave about his free spirit and infectious personality.。当人们的目光随着 NBA 季后赛的对阵图聚焦到总决赛的两只队伍时,焦点之外的球员便慢慢淡出视线,更别提一个征战联盟 11 年之久的 33 岁无业老游民尼克杨了。

24 年来,猛龙队史首次杀入 NBA 总决赛。值得一提的是,有位队员职业生涯从未缺席过总决赛,他就是帕特里克 - 麦考。

赛后,自由球员 ( 无业游民 ) 尼克杨发推特表示对前队友的衷心祝贺。

此中有真意,欲辨已忘言。当人们的目光随着 NBA 季后赛的对阵图聚焦到总决赛的两只队伍时,焦点之外的球员便慢慢淡出视线,更别提一个征战联盟 11 年之久的 33 岁无业老游民尼克杨了。是啊,Young 也已经不再年轻。

其实尼克杨在赛季初曾被掘金签过 ...


Young ’ s fit on the court and in the Nuggets ’ locker room? "Seamless," according to Michael Malone, who got good first-hand recommendations from Nuggets president of basketball operations Tim Connelly and assistant coach Wes Unseld Jr. Both were working with the Wizards when Washington selected Young 16th overall in 2007 and rave about his free spirit and infectious personality.

杨融入掘金的球场和更衣室吗?" 无缝对接 ",迈克尔 · 马龙 ( MichaelMalone ) 如是说,他得到了来自掘金篮球运营总裁蒂姆 · 康纳利 ( TimConnelly ) 和助理教练小韦斯 · 恩塞尔德 ( WesUnseld Jr. ) 的正面推荐。当华盛顿在 2007 年选中第 16 顺位的尼克杨时,这两人都还在奇才工作,并对尼克杨的自由精神和有感染力的个性十分欣赏。

Seamless [ ˈ si:ml ə s ] adj. 无缝的 ; 无漏洞的;

Infectious [ ɪ n ˈ fek ʃə s ] adj. 传染的 ; 有感染力的;

"He just wants to fit in," Malone said. "He ’ s not trying to stand out."

" 他只是想融入其中," 马龙说。" 他并不想特立独行。"

But 7 days Later...

但是 7 天以后。。。


Tim Connelly, the team ’ s president of basketball operations, expressed his gratitude for Young ’ s short-livedstay in Denver, per the Nuggets ’ official Twitter account.

团队的主席提姆 · 康利 ( TimConnelly ) 通过 " 掘金 " 官方 Twitter 的账户,对尼克杨在丹佛短暂的日子表示感谢。

"We want to thank Nick for coming to Denver on such short notice to give us some relief with our injury issues. He immediately fit in with our group and did everything that was asked of him by being the great teammate and consummate pro that he is."

" 我们要感谢尼克在来到丹佛如此短的时间内,为我们的伤病提供了一些缓解。他立即融入了我们的队伍,做了他所被要求的一切,他是伟大的队友和完美的职业球员。"

consummate [ ˈ k ɒ ns ə me ɪ t ] vt. 使完成 ; 使完美 adj. 完美的 ; 至上的 ;

你看这话像不像分手金句" 你很好,可是我们不合适 "!

这个联盟就是这么残酷,顺之者昌逆之者亡,这个时代强调的是 Space&pace,只有适应联盟风格的人才能拿到大合同。三十支球队中没有一个愿意接纳杨少侠,就连底薪也无人奉上,33 岁的尼克杨满怀伤感地发了一条推特:"11 年了,我还是第一次缺席媒体日。"

或许最感伤的还是后来一家名为 LWOS LA Lakers 的湖人媒体在推特上喊话尼克杨,希望他能重返湖人,对此尼克杨回复" 我已经老了,别再惦记我了。"

The winner takes it all,

the loser's standing small.

It's simple and it's plain,

Why should I complain?




simple and plain 就是这样

—— The winner takes it all


管理人员:阿溪 素材:21Terrence

素材审核:21Terrence 翻译:十亩桑田

校对: Enba 编辑:Enba

Enjoy the Process

