


通常每当美国政府关门,国家公园也会随之关闭。但是今年不同,尽管政府停摆已经超过两周,特朗普政府仍然选择让国家公园开门迎客 。

而且因为园区工作人员停职在家,你还可以大摇大摆地不付门票 进去。

Unlike in some recent government shutdowns, the Trump administration has chosen to keep national parks open, and many people are visiting them, with some noting they do not have to pay the usual entrance fee.


via NBC

就当游客络绎不绝地涌入,享受免费游的时候,原本风景优美的露天公园变成了随时都会踩到shit的大型垃圾场 。厕所不是锁着 ,就是满到让你不想进去

via CNN

via Instagram


via Business Insider

via Business Insider

Via Dakota Snider/AP

The situation has led to piles of trash accumulating in some parks, locked and stinking toilets in others, and concerns that unsupervised users are destroying the resources and landscapes the parks are supposed to protect.


via USA Today



约塞米蒂国家公园 原本是这样的:

Via The Daily Meal

但是政府停摆后,一个国家公园附近的居民Snider说这几天看到的垃圾、粪便和不文明现象比他过去四年看到的还多 。


At Yosemite, Snider, the local resident, said crowds of visitors were driving into the park to take advantage of free admission, with only a few park rangers working and a limited number of restrooms open.


Visitors were allowing their dogs to run off-leash in an area rich with bears and other wildlife, and scattering bags of garbage along the roads, Snider said.


“You’re looking at Yosemite Falls and in front of you is plastic bottles and trash bags,” he said.


via USA Today

隔壁的约书亚树国家公园 也是重灾区之一。


Via google



Most visitors were being respectful of the desert wilderness and park facilities, Joshua Tree’s superintendent, David Smith, said in a statement. But some are seizing on the shortage of park staffers to off-road illegally and otherwise damage the park, as well as relieving themselves in the open, a park statement said.


via USA Today

为了不让国家公园变成国家 粪园 ,美国民众纷纷开始自救 ,组织志愿者清扫马桶,捡拾垃圾。

Via Twitter

Via Twitter


Feltges himself had set up a portable toilet at his store to help the visitors still streaming in and out of the park. He was spending his days standing outside his store, offering tips about the park in place of the rangers who normally would be present.


“The whole community has come together,” Feltges said, also by phone. “Everyone loves the park. And there’s a lot of businesses that actually need the park.”


via USA Today

Purdy 也是参与清理的一个志愿者,她和丈夫一起在约书亚树小镇经营一家攀岩公司。

“Once those port-a-potties fill up, there’s no amount of cleaning that will save them,” said Sabra Purdy, who along with her husband, Seth, owns the rock-climbing guide service Cliffhanger Guides in the town of Joshua Tree. “At that point, I think I’m going to have to tap out.”


The 40-year-old Purdy is among dozens of volunteers who have been collecting garbage, cleaning bathrooms and generally keeping an eye on the park. Local business owners and park supporters are donating toiletries and cleaning supplies.


Via The Washington Post

Via Twitter

“People are doing it because we love this place and we know how trashed it'll get if we don't,"she said.


Via The Washington Post

国家公园的情况被转发之后,很多Twitter网民纷纷呼吁问题的始作俑者,@特朗普 出来走两步,让“厕所再次伟大” !

Via Twitter


These amazing people volunteered in Joshua Tree National Park. They donated supplies to keep the park operating during your tantrum driven shutdown of OUR Government. Quit being a baby, we don’t want your wall! They hauled out 40 bags of trash. Do your job!

@realDonaldTrump 这些了不起的人在约书亚树国家公园做志愿者。他们捐赠了物资, 以便在你坏脾气造成的政府关停期间,公园可以继续运作。不要再做巨婴了, 我们不要你的墙!他们拖出了40袋垃圾。做好你的本职工作!



Let's get the Senators and Representatives to clean the park toilets.

‏我们请参议员和众议员 来清理厕所吧。


Trump and his supporters should volunteer to clean them!

特朗普和他的支持者应该来扫厕所 !


Trump has been talking about being alone at the White House with nothing to do. He now has something to do. Clean the toilets. Make Toilets Great Again!




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