

摘要:一句话瑜伽,第328期Amina Taha:人们给了我很多建议,告诉我很多生宝宝是怎样的,怀了孩子会是什么样的。小鱼寄语:所有的父母都希望能有一个健康可爱的宝宝,在怀孕期间,会面对各方而来的建议,势必对妈妈们造成不小的压力。


一句话瑜伽,第328期Amina Taha:人们给了我很多建议,告诉我很多生宝宝是怎样的,怀了孩子会是什么样的。我被警告会失眠以及经历为人母的“困难”。I was given so much advice and told a lot what birth would be like.What having a child would be like.I was warned of sleepless nights and the "difficulty" of motherhood.

我过去疲于应对这些建议,因为我想有属于我自己的经历。I used to drown a lot of it out, because I wanted to experience it for myself.

但现在,我经历了生产,经历了新生命,我充满激情并且由衷地说:为自己而经历。But now that I've gone through childbirth, gone through having a newborn, I say it passionately and wholeheartedly:Experience it for yourself.

不能听风就是雨,我知道她们的出发点是好的,许多的建议是想让你做好准备。Do not listen to other people's stories and fears. I know they mean well. A lot of advice is meant to "prepare" you.

没什么能真正让你做好准备,因为别人的经验是别人的,你会有自己的体验。But nothing can truly prepare you because someone else's experience is theirs, and you will have your own.

你可能会听到人们的故事,他们充满恐惧或兴奋的语调。不要让它扰乱或影响你自己的体验。You might hear people's stories, their tones loaded with fear, or excitement. Do not let it cloud or shape your own experience.

也许别人认为困难的东西,不仅会让你感到有趣,而且会让你感到轻松愉快!也许别人觉得轻松的事情,你需要努力才行。Perhaps what someone else perceives as difficult will not only be enjoyable for you, but full of ease! And maybe your work lies in what someone else finds effortless.

为自己而体验自己的身体,自己的个性,自己的怀孕经历。Experience your own body, your own individuality, your own baby, for yourself.
