壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗



Taylor Swift shuts down sexist question about turning 30



During an interview with Germany’s DPA, Taylor Swift was asked whether turning 30 years old was a “turning point” in her life, and specifically, if she has plans to settle down with her boyfriend of two years, Joe Alwyn.

The 29-year-old “Bad Blood” singer — whose birthday is December 13 — shut the question down real fast.

“I really doubt men get asked the same question when they turn 30,” she said. “I’m not going to answer that question.”

马上学:Settle down可以表示“定居、安定下来”,例:Eventually I'd like to settle down and have a family, but not yet.(最终我还是想结婚生子,但现在还不是时候。)


Is Emma Watson dating Alicia Keys'handsome brother?

壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗

艾玛·沃特森又曝出了新恋情,最近她和美国歌后艾丽西亚·凯斯的弟弟科尔·库克被外媒盯梢了~ 两人被拍到在纽约一餐厅就餐,在街边有说有笑,超开心呢~ (回顾戳这里)

Hollywood may be a small world, but it still manages to find ways to surprise us with new star match-ups. As an example? Emma Watson may be dating Alicia Keys' younger brother, Cole Cook.

Watson and Cook were spotted dining at NYC hot spot The Spotted Pig. In the photos—which you can view here—the pair are seen strolling, laughing and even playfully holding each other's arms.

马上学:Spot表示“发现,认出”;常用于被动语态:be spotted, 表示“被发现,被认出”。例:They were spotted by the police as they entered the bank.(他们一进银行就被警察认出来了。)


'Game of Thrones' star Kit Harington checks into wellness retreat

壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗



"Game of Thrones" star Kit Harington has checked himself in to a wellness retreat.

Harington's representative, Marianna Shafran, confirmed to USA TODAY that the British actor, 32, is taking time away from the spotlight to work on "some personal issues."

Harington, who became an international superstar thanks to his role as Jon Snow on the hit HBO series, has previously opened up about the toll all the attention has taken on him. He revealed that, after Season 5, he sought therapy to deal with growing anxiety.

马上学:Toll可以表示“不良影响”,例如:His childhood fame had taken a toll on his mental health.(年幼成名对他的心理健康产生了不良影响。)

综合来源:US Magazine, Elle, USA Today

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Daniel Daugherty朗读

壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗


壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗壹周星闻 | 霉霉回怼30岁前成家问题;艾玛·沃特森曝新恋情;《权游》完结雪诺接受治疗