
The name of the collection: Glyph of black glaze

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译文:Black glaze inions high cup, large cup, deep abdomen, the inner wall is covered with black glaze, fine and pure enamel, light matrix, glaze moist as jade. The outer edge of the mouth is full of black glaze, and the oracle bones are scattered on the glaze. It's very rare and dynamic. Against the background of a large area of mysterious black, the archaeological value and mystery of oracle bone inions are unpredictable, and the Zen doctrine of "color and emptiness" and "movement and silence" is quietly and silently conveyed.

甲骨文因镌刻、书写于龟甲与兽骨上而得名,为殷商流传之书迹;内容为记载盘庚迁殷 至纣王 间二百七十年之卜辞,为最早之书迹。殷商有三大特色,即信史、饮酒及敬鬼神;也因为如此,这些决定渔捞、征伐、农业诸多事情的龟甲,才能在后世重见天日,成为研究中国文字重要的资料。商代已有精良笔墨,书体因经契刻,风格瘦劲锋利,具有刀锋的趣味。受到文风盛衰之影响,其大至可分为五期,底下分别介绍。

译文: The inions on Oracle bones, which were engraved and written on tortoise shells and animal bones, were handed down in the Yin and Shang Dynasties. The inions on oracle bones recorded the divination between Pan Geng's moving from Yin Dynasty to Yi Dynasty, and were the earliest calligraphy. The Shang Dynasty had three characteristics, namely, believing in history, drinking and worshiping ghosts and gods; therefore, these tortoise shells, which decided many things about fishing, expedition and agriculture, could be seen again in later generations and become important materials for studying Chinese characters. The Shang Dynasty had excellent brush and ink, and the style of the book was sharp, sharp and sharp, with the interest of blade. Influenced by the rise and fall of literary style, it can be divided into five periods.


译文: From the late Shang Dynasty, Pangeng moved to the Yin Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty and experienced eight generations and twelve kings. The oracle bone inions of this period should be divided into early and late. There are many views on the study of the staging and dating of oracle bones in Shang Dynasty. Today, Dong Zuobin's five periods are mainly divided according to ten criteria, such as lineage, appellation and Zhenren, namely, the first period: Pangeng, Xiaoxin, Xiaoyi and Wuding; the second period: Zugeng and Zujia; the third period: Linxin and Kangding; the fourth period: Wuyi and Wending; The fifth issue: Emperor B and di Xin.


译文: Black glaze is one of the glaze colors of ancient Chinese porcelain. The glaze is black or brown. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, black glazed porcelain could be fired in China. The black glaze mainly consists of iron oxide and a small amount or trace of manganese, cobalt, copper, chromium and other oxidants. Usually seen Auburn or dark brown porcelain, the proportion of iron oxide in the glaze is about 8%. If the glaze layer is thickened to 1.5 mm, the glaze color will be pure black.


译文:Black glazed porcelain appeared in the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty, but at that time the glaze color was dark brown green or even black, and the glaze layer was uneven in thickness, often with wax tear marks, and there was a very thick glaze layer gathered in the bottom concave of the surface. The most successful early firing of black glaze was the Deqing kiln in Zhejiang Province in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The burned black glaze was moist, bright and black as lacquer, comparable to lacquerware. The black glaze in the Tang Dynasty prevailed, while the Song Dynasty was the peak period of black glaze. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the black glaze wares burned by imperial wares factories were exquisitely made, mostly with various low temperature colors on the pure black glaze, and the black glaze became a backdrop of various beautiful colors.




Chinese people have been advocating black for a long time. Black is considered to be the color of heaven in the book of changes. The so-called "heaven and earth dark yellow", black in ancient China is the king of all colors, but also the history of ancient China's longest monochrome worship color system.

Oracle bone inions are inions or inions on tortoise shells and animal bones. It was unearthed in Xiaotun, Anyang, Henan Province, because it was once the capital of the late Shang Dynasty from Pangeng to Emperor Xin. The merchant destroyed the country and became a ruin. Later generations were named after the Yin Ruins. Therefore, oracle bone inions are also known as "Yin Ruins". Most of its contents are royal divination, so it is also called "oracle" or "Zhen Bu Bu". This kind of writing is basically made up of a contract, also known as "contract" or "Yin Qi".



Oracle Bone inions have been around for more than 3000 years. It is not only the earliest and systematic data to study the origin of Chinese characters, but also an important wealth to study the calligraphy of Oracle bones. From the perspective of calligraphy, oracle bone inions have three basic elements of calligraphy: pen, concluding and writing.


译文:From the point of view of pen, the inions on oracle bones are carved with knives on hard tortoise shells or animal bones. Therefore, straight lines are often used in engraving, and curves are also carved from short straight lines. The strokes are more uniform in thickness, and most of the lines are slightly thicker in the middle and slightly thinner at the ends because of the start and end of the knife falling straight up.


译文:From the point of view of the rules, the inions on the oracle inions are clear. Each line up and down, left and right, although there is a dense change, but the whole text can run through, size dependent, left and right corresponding, before and after the lively situation echo. Moreover, those who have more words have a compact arrangement, give people a sense of luxuriance, and those who have fewer words have a clear and spiritual appearance. In short, they all show a simple and uninteresting taste.


Historiography value


译文:Oracle bone inions, as one of the oldest documents, provide first-hand information for the study of Shang Dynasty history, and also provide evidence for the collation of pre-Qin ancient books. The oracle bones of the Western Zhou Dynasty, especially the important activities of the "king" recorded in the Zhou Dynasty, are corroborated by the important history of the late Shang Dynasty and the early Zhou Dynasty recorded in ancient documents. The contact between the two nationalities in Shang and Zhou Dynasties took place very early, and the relationship between them became closer in the late Shang Dynasty. There are many names, official names and names of the countries on the oracle bones of Zhou Dynasty, which can be corroborate with ancient documents. It has important historical evidence for the study of the Western Zhou Dynasty's official system, country and geography.


Artistic value and aesthetic value of calligraphy




The oracle bone inions are the oldest existing Chinese characters and the earliest known form of Chinese literature. There are about 4500 words, about one third of which can be read. Its basic vocabulary, basic grammar and basic glyph structure are consistent with the Chinese language of the descendants.

The author of the inions on oracle bones not only created magnificent deeds in the divination records, but also consciously or unconsciously pursued a mysterious aesthetic feeling through the process of the inions. The original creation of his art has been divorced from its own pictographic significance, with the most abstract beauty of calligraphy art and exudes the aesthetic function of art, its historical value can not be replaced by the past. Guo Moruo has a brilliant exposition of the oracle bone inions in his book Preface to the Quintessence of Yin Qi: "The oracle inions are related to the tortoise bone, and the beauty of the words is related to the tortoise bone, which fascinates us for thousands of years. The style of writing is different from that of human beings. In the world of Wu Ding, the word is more vigorous. A thin person is like a square inch, with dozens of engravings.


译文:And the density of the line, the structure of the word, the ring of anaphora, in perfect order... " It fully affirmed the artistic value and aesthetic value of Oracle calligraphy. Today, oracle bone inions with their broad and profound cultural connotations have laid the Chinese people's artistic concepts, aesthetic taste and even the most basic knowledge structure.

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