









Oh my!看到这里,笔者不由得再次想起莎士比亚最震撼我的作品《威尼斯商人》,那个剧情十分引人入胜,鲍西娅对夏洛克说:“好吧,法庭同意你割他的一磅肉作为惩罚,因为你们签了约,他违约了,法律给你了这个权利。就算我知道你其实想割掉他的心脏,致他于死地,他也没有办法。但是,我必须说清楚了,法律允许你割他一磅肉,是肉不是血,不能带一丁点儿血,不能多一点少一点,哪怕有一滴血都是你的违法,会判你死罪!好了,拿刀来,你可以开始了。”

笔者又想起了孩提时看的《阿凡提》,其中有一出,巴伊老爷出了个我小孩子家觉得高深莫测简直很要命的问题:“阿凡提你说天上的星星究竟有多少,哈哈哈哈?”,阿凡提拿根手指吮了吮了,然后答:“这天上的星星嘛就跟我这毛驴脖子上的驴毛一样多,巴伊老爷,不信您数一数?” 中国的驴脖子上,有多少驴毛是美国的?有多少驴毛是中国的?美国的衙门已经晕菜。

接下来,笔者可以预见的剧情是一批批的美国公司的申请书像雪片一样的飞进罗伯特莱特希泽的衙门,美国海关接到一批批的豁免产品清单... 这一磅肉不能带血。

吓瘫了的亚洲股票投资者读完这篇会有什么反应?可能大家齐喊一声,切,孬种,do you have ball?您这演的是哪一出?


USTR Releases Product Exclusion Process for Chinese Products Subject to Section 301 Tariffs

Washington, DC– The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) today announced a process to obtain product exclusions from the additional tariffs in effect on certain products imported from China under the U.S. response to China’s unfair trade practices related to the forced transfer of U.S. technology and intellectual property.

Today, additional tariffs of 25 percent come into effect for Chinese products imported under 818 tariff lines, covering a trade value of approximately $34 billion in 2018. These tariff lines contain products identified as benefiting from China’s industrial policies, including the “Made in China 2025” program. The list of products subject to tariffs was determined by a 90-day process that included public hearings and a notice and comment period.

USTR is providing an opportunity for the public to request exclusion of a particular product from the additional duties to address situations that warrant excluding a particular product within a subheading, but not the tariff subheading as a whole.

A Federal Register noticeoutlining the criteria and process for a product exclusion request will be published, and public requests, responses, and replies will be received via Regulations.gov. In making its determination on each request, USTR may consider whether a product is available from a source outside of China, whether the additional duties would cause severe economic harm to the requestor or other U.S. interests, and whether the particular product is strategically important or related to Chinese industrial programs including “Made in China 2025”.

The exclusion process has the following important dates and features:

The public will have 90 days to file a request for a product exclusion; the request period will end on October 9, 2018.Following public posting of the filed request on Regulations.gov, the public will have 14 days to file responses to the request for product exclusion. After the close of the 14 day response period, interested persons will have an additional 7 days to reply to any responses received in support of or opposition to the request.Exclusions will be effective for one year upon the publication of the exclusion determination in the Federal Register, and will apply retroactively to July 6, 2018.

Because exclusions will be made on a product basis, a particular exclusion will apply to all imports of the product, regardless of whether the importer filed a request. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection will apply the tariff exclusions based on the product.

The tariff action on China is part of USTR’s Section 301 investigation and follows President Trump’s announcement in Marchthat the United States would impose tariffs on Chinese imports and take other actions in response to China’s policies that coerce American companies into transferring their technology and intellectual property to Chinese enterprises. These policies bolster China’s stated intention of seizing economic leadership in advanced technology as set forth in its industrial plans, such as “Made in China 2025.”

The text of the Federal Register notice can be viewed here. Formal publication of the Federal Register notice will occur next week.

@陈达美股投资 @今日话题

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