
The rural village, to the majority of Chinese citizens means not only "foods and veggies", but even more so quaint charms as depicted by poet Tao Yuanming: "While picking asters 'neath the Eastern fence, my gaze upon the Southern mountain rests." But what does a rural village in China mean to a foreigner?


This week, we will tell you all about a Malaysian guy hidden in a rural Chengdu village, and the story of how he runs a rustically ravishing farm.


In Liujiang Town of Dujiangyan City, the much-touted organic vegetables are planted and sold in a farm covering an area of 20 mu. Ming, owner of this farm, is from Malaysia. After several years of ups and downs in the field of interior decoration in his hometown, he decided to study agronomy in Australia, where he fell in love with a Chengdu girl Guo Min.


He followed Guo Min back to Chengdu and finally settled here. "I grew up in countryside and I am very happy to do things related to agriculture. This allows me to break away from useless social activities as much as possible and live quietly and comfortably." Keeping a proper living distance from the city, 43-year-old Ming is owning his own dream farm and a clear life philosophy.


The farm, named "Four Seasons Orchard", was founded in 2012. The original reason to start a farm was pretty simple, "I want to grow healthy vegetables for my son", said Ming. With the help of friends in Chengdu, he finally found an ideal land in Dujiangyan. "It is located in Dujiangyan, where has plenty water resource. The place with fertile riverbank soil is surrounded by forest. Ginkgo trees are planted all year round without applying pesticide and fertilizer."


Having decided the place to build the farm, Ming was expecting to roll up his sleeves to start the business. However, the weather of Chengdu is totally different from that of Australia or Malaysia, which made things pretty difficult for Ming. Eventually he turned to the neighboring villagers for help, asking what kind of vegetables and fruits could be planted here.


The four-year study experience in Australia has provided Ming with a complete system of new pattern eco-agriculture knowledge. He decided to practice an organic planting method called "Biodynamics" in his doing and teach it to his staff.


Biodynamics, also known as biodynamic farming, was put forward by Austrian social philosopher Rudolf Steiner. It emphasizes the use of manure and should keep accordance with the moving of different constellations to let the land return to its original vitality. Every year foreign experts will conduct site examination and evaluation on farms that apply biodynamics. Only the approved farms will get seeds for the next year.


By systematically spraying special farming solution, the vegetables in the farm thrive day by day. Ming's business has gradually become stable. Currently, his farm has nearly 70 clients. "Especially in the school where my wife works, many parents order organic vegetables and fruits from my farm for the sake of their children's health."


Besides, Ming and his staff use the vegetables that haven't been sold in time to make pickles, and use cowpeas, peppers and corns to make dried legumes. These food are sold not only in the online store but also to the endless stream of customers in organic fairs on the weekends.


The farm is on stable operation and now Ming goes to the farm two or three times each week. "I want to spend more time with my child." Ming says with contented smile. He loves his son very much and believes in the Malaysian tradition that "man need to settle down with a family after a playful youth."


When asked if he has a bigger plan to achieve in the future, Ming answers after a ponder: "I think in China, everything has a promising market if you are committed to it." He even hopes that his experience and success in organic agriculture can encourage the neighboring villagers to do the same things with him, so that more people would pay attention to our food and the health of our land.


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摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Selected from HELLO Chengdu magazine


By Cheer Chan


Photos by Febe Chan


Edited by J. Tarkovsky

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