
最近,生活在上海的一位美国小姐姐观察到,越来越多荷包鼓鼓的上海吃货们开始嫌弃传统中式美食,转而关注高颜值的西式营养餐色拉和超级食物(注:具有抗氧化力、有效营养成分丰富、热量较低、 兼具草药成分的自然食品)。

以下是Global Times (Metro Shanghai)关于色拉和超级食物在上海兴起的相关评论,配有中文翻译喔。

Salads and superfoods are now surprisingly trendy in Shanghai

Has anyone else noticed the rapidly rising number of salad bars and plant-based restaurants that have been opening around Shanghai in recent years? Even older shops are getting into the salad game by offering more raw veggies with their staple dishes.


Via Stelle, a food platform that delivers meals created by star chefs across the globe, recently launched a pop-up at Jing An Kerry Centre to sell salads stuffed in mason jars (which customers get to keep). I tried to buy one for lunch the other day, but there was a long line of Chinese office workers curious to try this "exotic" foreign food.

由全球星级厨师创立的专业在线点餐服务平台汇星堂(Via Stelle)最近在静安嘉里中心开设了一家快闪店,专门出售用玻璃瓶盛装的色拉(顾客可以保留瓶子)。我有天中午想在那里买一瓶色拉当午饭,但排在那里的长长的队伍让我打消了这个念头。写字楼里的中国白领对这种充满异域风味的外国食物相当好奇。

Chinese are traditionally not keen on eating uncooked vegetables; their cuisine emphasizes the extreme boiling or sauteing in hot oil anything green in order to make it edible. Thus, salads (which were born from the belief that raw greens contain the most vitamins) have long been viewed by the Chinese as a sort of Western aberration.


One of my Chinese co-workers orders daily takeout box lunches from online food delivery apps. As I mentioned, a growing number of these local kitchens have been including complimentary salads in what otherwise would be a traditional Chinese meal of rice, meats and over-cooked veggies.


Yet this young lady literally gags at the sight of her free salad; she picks at the lettuce with a look on her face as if she was holding a cockroach and tosses it into the trash. I've seen similar responses in the past. Once, I invited my Chinese friend and her parents over for a home-cooked Western style dinner, which included a starter salad. They poked at it like it would suddenly spring to life, but declined to eat more than a single courtesy nibble.


Aside from the occasional comical reaction, it does seem that more and more Chinese are getting hip to salads and superfoods. I wrote in a previous article that local Shanghainese vendors such as the Avocado Lady on Wulumuqi Road can barely keep their avocados and kale in stock, with a large percentage of their customer base now being middle-class Chinese young adults.


Or swing by Shanghai-based healthfood chain Sproutworks during lunch hour and you'll be lucky to find a table amid all the Chinese yuppies dining on expensive albeit delicious bowls of kale-quinoa-cabbage salad. MOKA Bros also specializes in superfoods, with most of their lunch menu being organic, uncooked and green.

午饭时间在上海的健康食品连锁店豆苗工坊(Sproutworks)外徘徊,幸运的话你能找到一张空桌,而周围挤满了中国中产消费者,正享用着他们昂贵但美味的羽衣甘蓝、藜麦和卷心菜色拉。摩卡站轻食餐厅(MOKA Bros)也是专注于超级食物,他们的大部分午餐菜单都是有机、生食、和绿色的。

There are so many new salad bars opening around Shanghai that, back in May, an expat blog wrote an entire article about it. Among these sumptuous selections are Taste & See's all-you-can-eat salad buffet and Saucepan's "power bowls" (couscous, fresh vegetables, cheese and dressing). That's Shanghai magazine reported that Bund-side restaurant M Glam is now offering fully vegan brunches due to rising demand from local patrons.

上海新开了那么多沙律吧,今年5月一个外国人在他的博客上写了一整篇关于这个现象的文章。在他提到的这些丰富的选项里,包括尝尝滋味(Taste & See)的沙拉自助餐,Saucepan的“能量碗”(北非小米饭,新鲜蔬菜,奶酪和调料)。That's Shanghai杂志也报道过位于外滩的魅蓝餐厅(M Glam)如今也提供全素早午餐来满足当地食客不断上升的需求。

But red might become the new green as beets also find their way into kitchens. According to Shanghai-based agricultural industry news platform Producereport.com, beets are extremely rare in Chinese restaurants, however "superfoods are becoming increasingly well-known here in China and we think beetroot will be a welcome addition to salads and fresh juices. Sports and being conscious about food has made people more interested in beetroot and its rich health benefits."


China is a fast-rising market in the sports nutrition category, growing 40 percent over the last few years, according to an August article in Nutritionaloutlook.com, "a result of investment by international brands into the market, Chinese acquisitions and a government initiative called Healthy China 2030."

根据Nutritional Outlook网站8月的一片报道,中国运动营养类的消费市场快速上涨,在过去几年中增长了40%,“是国际品牌在该市场的投资,中国企业的收购和中国政府《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》的倡议的结果”。

You surely have also noticed how many bottled 100-percent juices and fresh-squeezed orange juice machines are now available at Shanghai convenience stores, malls and metro stations; five years ago this was unheard of. I remember when the closest thing I could find was "orange-flavored drink."


What it comes down to is that urban Chinese are becoming more health-conscious about the foods they are ingesting. Carb-centric Chinese staples like rice and noodles, gluten-based breads or meals that have been boiled to death or saturated in oil are quickly falling out of favor (and flavor) as Chinese millennials become more concerned about their bodies and physical wellness.


The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Global Times.

原文: Annabel Eaton

翻译: Du Qiongfang

图: Chen Xia、网络





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