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Q: According to reports, the US began a hearing on proposed plans to impose additional tariffs on 300 billion US dollars of Chinese goods on June 17. The American Apparel and Footwear Association, Qualcomm, Intel, among others, voiced their opposition and said the tariffs would hurt US companies, consumers and working families. They also told the hearing that they have few alternatives other than China for producing clothing, electronics and other consumer goods and that sourcing from other countries will raise costs. Moving operations to Vietnam and other countries would not be feasible for years due to a lack of skills and infrastructure in those locations and it would mean higher costs. According to an estimate by Trade Partnership Worldwide LLC., the US measure would result in the loss of more than two million American jobs. Would you like to comment on that?


A: We notice that while the hearing on additional tariffs on Chinese goods is being held, opposition in the US is becoming more and more vociferous. Even Larry Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council, openly admitted recently that US companies and consumers will pay for additional tariffs. According to a recent report by Goldman Sachs, the US government's tariffs on Chinese products last year were completely transferred to US businesses and households and had a greater impact on prices at home than expected.


The mutually-beneficial economic, trade and investment cooperation has long brought enormous benefits to businesses and consumers in China and the US. Past experience has proven time and again that economic and trade friction between the two countries could be properly resolved through consultations, as long as they are based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. Anything against this principle will lead nowhere.




