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  策展人:佐藤正子 (Contact)


  對談:2018年9月23日 15:00

  開幕:2018年9月23日 16:30

  展期:2018年9月23日 – 11月25日














  1972年,植田正治首次到歐洲旅行,並出版了“無聲記憶”(音のない記憶)。他分別於1978年和1987年被邀請參加了阿爾勒國際攝影節(les Rencontres d’Arles)。他的作品得到了國外,特別是歐洲收藏家和評論家的極高的評價。1995年,位於鳥取縣的植田正治攝影美術館正式開館。1996年,榮獲法國藝術與文學勳章。2000 年,植田正治逝世,享年87歲。2013年,日本東京攝影美術館舉辦“紀念植田正治誕辰100週年”大型回顧展。


  Featured Works


  Papa, Mama and Children(1949)


  Kako and a Flower (1949)


  Scenery of the dune with my wife (1950)


  Bird scarer (1950)


  From Little biography (1975)


  From the seriesWhite wind(1981)


  From the seriesDune(1983)

  GITANES, 1992

  Organizer:Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

  Co-organizer: Shoji Ueda Office

  Art Directors: RongRong&inri

  Curator:Masako Sato (contact)

  Exhibition Designer: Osamu Ouchi

  Talk:15:00, September 23rd, 2018

  Opening: 16:30, September 23rd, 2018

  Duration: September 23rd – November 25th, 2018 (10:00-18:00 Closed on Mondays)

  Location: Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

  (155A Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100015)

  Sponsor: The Japan Foundation

  Supporter: Embassy of Japan in China, ANA (All Nippon Airways)


  Awake or asleep, I always found myself thinking about photography.

  – Shoji Ueda


  Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is proud to present the first extended retrospective exhibition of Shoji in China, featuring 141 early and late works ranging from the sand dunes series (which has become a by word for Shoji) to his fashion photographs that helped trigger a reappraisal of his achievement.

  Shoji Ueda (1913-2000), well known for his masterpieces set in the sand dunes around his native Tottori, left a major mark on history of photography in not only his home country but also abroad. Even as realism began to take precedence in Japan’s major urban centers, he remained in his hometown Sanin all his life –not aligning himself with any particular movement and pursuing simply what pleased him. His strain of modernism was so particular that the resulting so-called “Ueda-cho (Ueda style)” still generates fresh acclaim to this day.

  Influencedby the Western avant-garde during his adolescence, Shoji maintained the passionate, uninhibited spirit of an amateur while he ran a photography center in his hometown. His intricate compositions – prime examples of staged photography – featured his family and his close friends in his neighborhood sand dunes arranged as if chess pieces. The photographic worlds expressed in fashion and commercial works continues to attract fresh acclaim, as typified by “Mode in Dunes”,a series of photographs he started to undertake at the age of 70. While he liked to photograph landscapes and things mostly in Sanin, where he was brought up, the universality has made an impression across time and culture.

  About Shoji Ueda

  Shoji Ueda, born in Tottori Prefecture, Japan in 1913, started his career as a photographer by contributing to early photo magazines in the 1930s. He cemented his reputation with intricately staged photographs in the Tottori sand dunes before tilting towards realism during the 1950s and continuing to garner acclaim with photo books like “Children the Year Around,” published in 1971. In1972 he traveled Europe for the first time and published “Oto no nai kioku.” He was invited to participate in Les Rencontres d’Arles in 1978 and 1987. His works are highly rated abroad and he steadily built a reputation among European collectors and critics in particular. In 1996, he received the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of France. Shoji died at 87 in 2000.

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