


Greetings 来自洛基英语 00:00 03:39

原    文

At a reception in Beijing, Mr. Bell, an American businessman, comes across Miss Wang, who is from CNIEC. Miss Wang takes the opportunity to introduce Mr. Liu.

Mr. Bell: Hi! How are you, Miss Wang ?

Miss Wang: Quite well, Mr. Bell. And you?

Mr. Bell: Fine , thanks.

Miss Wang: Well, it’s nice to see you again. You do look well.

Mr. Bell: Thank you. And how’s business ?

Miss Wang: Pretty good. In fact, it’s the best year we’ve had for a long time.

Mr. Bell: Oh, very good. I’m glad to hear that.

Miss Wang: Have you met Mr. Liu Ping, our managing director ?

Mr. Bell: No, I haven’t. I’d be glad to meet him.

Miss Wang: Mr. Liu, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Roger Bell.

Mr. Liu: Oh, yes.

Miss Wang: This is Mr. Roger Bell. He works for Five Star Electronics.

Mr. Liu: How do you do, Mr. Bell ?

Mr. Bell: How do you do, Mr. Liu ?

Key sentences

How are you ? 你好吗?

You do look well. 你的气色很好。

This is...这位是......

I’d like you to meet... 我向你介绍......

I’d like to introduce you to...我想向你介绍......

How do you do? 你好





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