2017年12月的一个寒冬之日,在莫斯科郊外谢尔普霍夫(Serpukhov)的丛林深处,25岁的玛格丽塔·格拉乔娃(Margarita Grachyova)双手被缚、遭受了一个多小时的折磨。几近无力的她眼睁睁看着十指被斧头一根根剁下,最后,砍向她的双手……

而将斧头劈向她的人,是她曾经最亲密的爱人,彼时被妒意冲昏了头脑的丈夫,26岁的德米特里·格鲁诺夫(Dmitry Grachev)。


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The mum-of-two told how he drove her to a forest outside Panikovo, near Moscow, after convincing her he had accepted her wish to end their marriage.在使得玛格丽塔确信,他已经接受了她的离婚请求后,德米特里驾车带着他们两名孩子的母亲进入莫斯科附近Panikovo外的一片森林。But she said the beast tied her up and forced her onto her knees with her arms bound to a tree stump, and was ecstatic after severing her limbs.然而,残暴如野兽般的丈夫将玛格丽塔捆绑起来,强迫她跪在地上,将她的双臂捆绑在一个树桩上,在砍下她的双手后,他欣喜若狂。First he battered her fingers with the axe, she revealed, adding: “He was totally calm when he did this to me”.玛格丽塔说,德米特里先用斧头猛砸她的手指。她说:“他对我实施暴行时完全处于冷静状态。”The traumatised 25-year-old said she was conscious throughout the ordeal and “felt all the pain very much”.25岁的玛格丽塔遭受了重创,她在整个过程中都是清醒的,并“感受到剧烈的疼痛”。

▲ 'WHY AM I NOT FAINTING?' Russian woman whose hands were hacked off by jealous hubby describes horrific moment he attacked her (via The Sun)


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He dragged his wife from the back seat of his car and left her there, along with a shoe box containing her fingers and fragments of her right hand. 他把妻子从汽车后座拖了出来,将她和一个鞋盒留在那里,鞋盒里装着她的手指和右手的碎片。Later, the man turned himself in at a police station, confessing to his deeds. At the crime scene, police discovered the other severed hand, which they delivered to the hospital.后来,这个男人向警察局自首,承认了自己的罪行。在犯罪现场,警方发现了另一只被砍断的手,并将其送往了医院。

▲ Police repeatedly ignored warnings about husband who severed wife’s hands (via rt.com)


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Margarita’s relatives told reporters that Dmitry suspected his wife of infidelity, and that this was not the first time he had staged such an event in a forest. On a previous occasion, he had questioned her about relations with other men while holding a knife to her throat, the Mediazone news outlet reported.玛格丽塔的亲戚告诉记者,德米特里怀疑妻子不忠,这已经不是他第一次在森林里做出这样的举动了。据Mediazone新闻报道,此前有一次,他拿着一把刀抵着她的喉咙,质问她与其他男性的关系。Following that episode, she had tried to reach the local policeman, who reportedly was “on holiday.” Once she filed a complaint, it took some 18 days for the officer to have “a talk” with the jealous husband.那次事件发生后,她曾试图联系当地的警察,据报道,警察当时正在“放假”。她提起诉讼后,过了18天,警察才与这位妒火中烧的丈夫“谈话”。Numerous media reports of police inaction prompted an internal investigation, with the officer and his superintendent eventually getting fired. 有关警方不作为的大量媒体报道引发了一场内部调查,这名警官和他的上司最终被解雇。

▲ Police repeatedly ignored warnings about husband who severed wife’s hands (via rt.com)



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Doctors were able to re-attach one of Margarita’s hands with extensive surgery, but she now uses a prosthetic in place of the other. Writing on her VKontakte page on Monday, Margarita said that after the attack she began to feel like she was "not attractive" anymore.医生们通过大型手术重新接上了玛格丽塔的一只手,但她的另一只手却只能用假肢来替代了。周一,在VKontakte网页上,玛格丽塔写道,袭击发生后,她开始觉得自己不再具有“吸引力”。She said she had still "not yet learned how to accept" herself after the December 2017 attack, adding that even now she feels upset and annoyed by the appearance of her hands and legs.她说道,自2017年12月的袭击后至今,她“还没有学会如何接受”自己,并补充说,即使是现在,她仍然对自己的手和腿感到不安和恼怒。But the harrowing event has also taught Margarita some lessons about the nature of attractiveness and beauty.但这一令人痛心的事件也给玛格丽塔上了一课,教会她关于吸引力和美的本质。"Sexiness is not only about the appearance” of a person — or the length of their legs, or hair, or having a mole in the right place, she wrote. It's a feeling "deeper, somewhere inside."她写道:“性感不仅仅是一个人的外表”——或者他们腿的长短、他们的头发、或者痣的位置。它是一种“内心深处”的感觉。

▲ Russian woman tells of struggle to ‘accept her body’ after husband chopped her hands off (via rt.com)


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"Do not even allow such thoughts," one commenter wrote. "You are beautiful" another wrote. "You are an example of courage,” said another. “别让自己有这样的想法(认为自己不再有吸引力),”一位网友评论道。另一位网友写道:“你真漂亮。”“你树立了勇气的榜样,”另一个说。

▲ Russian woman tells of struggle to ‘accept her body’ after husband chopped her hands off (via rt.com)


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整合:Du Qiongfang


