摘要:A: On your first question, you know better than I do who Jimmy Lai is. By meeting with him, the US politicians have sent seriously wrong signals to the world. We deplore and firmly oppose that. We urge the US to respect China's sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, exercise caution in its words and deeds, stop its interference and do not engage in anything that may undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.。第二个问题,何韵诗在发言时提到呼吁联合国召开会议把中国从人权理事会除名,中方对此有何回应。



图 via 外交部网站

Q: Jimmy Lai is the chief of the biggest media group in Hong Kong. In China's opinion, why did the US officials meet with him? What consequences might there be if the US government gets closer to Hong Kong media? Second question, Denise Ho called on the UN to remove China from the Human Rights Council. What is your response to that?


A: On your first question, you know better than I do who Jimmy Lai is. By meeting with him, the US politicians have sent seriously wrong signals to the world. We deplore and firmly oppose that. We urge the US to respect China's sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, exercise caution in its words and deeds, stop its interference and do not engage in anything that may undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.


On your second question, Denise Ho's so-called "removal" is nothing more than a pipe dream. I'm afraid she may be too sure of herself.



