鎏金銅佛像 是佛教造像藝術之一。在中國古代雕塑藝術品中,佛教雕塑佔有極其重要的地位,這與佛教在整個社會的盛行及其對社會發展的影響有關。佛教自東漢傳入中國,迄今已有兩千多年的歷史。由於佛教教義能夠起到對民衆進行精神控制的作用,因此得到歷代統治者的大力提倡。其間除了在國家走向衰落時,統治者感到佛教寺院經濟的發展已經出現“與國爭利”的局面而引發的幾次“滅佛”運動以外,佛教在中國的傳播一直暢通無阻。伴隨着佛教的傳播,佛教藝術也在全國各地盛行起來,自魏晉南北朝開始,佛教徒們在歷史上掀起了無數次製作佛像的熱潮,信徒們將自己對佛的信仰以及對幸福生活的嚮往寄託在鑄造、雕塑、繪畫及印刷的佛像之中。

(Gilded bronze Buddha is one of the Buddhist statues. In ancient Chinese sculpture art, Buddhist sculpture occupies an extremely important position, which is related to the prevalence of Buddhism in the whole society and its impact on social development. Buddhism has been introduced into China since the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it has a history of over two thousand years. Buddhist doctrine has been strongly advocated by the rulers of the past dynasties because it can control the people's mind. In addition to the decline of the state, the rulers felt that the economic development of Buddhist monasteries had emerged "competing with the state" and caused several "extermination" movements, the spread of Buddhism in China has been unimpeded. Following the spread of Buddhism, Buddhist art is also prevailing throughout the country. Since the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Buddhists have set off countless times in the history of making Buddhist statues, believers put their faith in Buddhism and their yearning for a happy life in the casting, sculpture, painting and printing of Buddhist statues.)



(Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, Buddhism has been introduced into the Central Plains of China for more than 2000 years. Each dynasty's Buddhist statue has its own style, showing the unique national style of contemporary people. The bronze Buddha statue at its most prosperous stage is the gilded bronze statue of the Ming Dynasty. (Out of the political need of folk worship and appeasement, and to trap Tibet, the court strongly supported the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in the Central Plains. The bronze statue of Tibet developed rapidly, forming the peak period of the production of gold and bronze statues.

In the contemporary era, gold-plated bronze statues are becoming more and more sought after by collectors and investors!)


The current market price of gilt bronze Buddha is:

目前深圳御鼎國際有幸徵集一件"鎏金銅佛像" At present, Shenzhen Yu Ding international has the honor to collect a gilded bronze Buddha statue.


(This gilded bronze Buddha Tower: through height: 44cm, heavy: 6145g, meat bun Gao long, Bao Zhu top strict. His face was broad and plain, his eyebrows were white, his ears were drooping, his expression was solemn and gentle, and he showed kindness, grace and tranquility. The body is well proportioned, with broad shoulders and waist, full muscles and elegant appearance. Wearing a right shoulder scarf, the clothes are light and thin, the lines are flowing softly, and the clothes are folded smoothly. The right hand applies the magic print, and sits on the lotus seat. The Buddha statue is clear in outline, exquisite in craftsmanship, delicate in detail, lifelike, and completely preserved, showing the Royal style. After expert identification, it should be a statue of the Ming Dynasty, which has high artistic value and collection value.)


The collection will be joined by Singaporean Star Chau International and Lawrence of the United States. If you have any intention, you will be on the spot to raise your price!!
