



Oligonol中文名稱爲“荔枝多酚”,來自於“Oligomer Polyphenol”(多元酚低聚物)的縮寫,它是一種從荔枝中提取出來的,能被人體良好吸收的,具有一定功能性的小分子物質。它是世界上由人類工業化生產出的首個小分子多元酚,並被衆多嚴謹的科學實驗證實,能被人體有效地吸收,並能發揮良好的抗氧化能力及抗衰老的性能。與一般的大分子多酚類物質相比,更容易被人體吸收。

Oligonol的安全性在早期的衆多科學實驗中已被證實。多個不同種類的臨牀實驗,毒性試驗,動物實驗( 90-day Repeated Oral Administration Toxicity Test, Reverse Mutation Test (Ames examination) and Micronucleus Test conducted in rats and Single Oral Administration Toxicity Test conducted in rats)都科學地論證了這種小分子多酚類物質對於人體的安全性。並且,2007年它就通過了美國FDA認證,被授予了NDI稱號 (New Dietary Ingredient全新的膳食組成) 。同時在2009年,它獲得了GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe),一種被認爲是很安全的膳食補充劑。

Oligonol作爲泰版普天登的新配方之一,其原料來自於日本Amino Up Chemical Co. Ltd。這是一家有着40年曆史的高科技生物公司,其中的荔枝多酚是具有國家專利號的多酚類化合物。提煉技術及其生物技術都是世界領先的,具有其他廠家無法比擬和超越的技術。作爲一種原料,它被廣泛用於膠囊,食物,飲料及化妝品中。


1. 心血管疾病的預防及改善:


以下熱成像儀的圖片記錄了一個43歲健康男性接受一次600mg oligonol後明顯增加了體表溫度,顯示血流量增多,外周血管擴張。這個結果說明了對於各種各樣的血管收縮性症狀比如手腳發涼,肩周炎和糖尿病血管病變,Oligonol可能起到了血管擴張劑的作用。


(Male 34)


2. 在美容方面的成效:




3. Oligonol對於運動中以及運動後疲勞的恢復有較好的改善作用:


此外,Oligonol經世界反興奮劑機構(the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA))鑑定及評估,未檢測出任何含違禁的成分,所以適用於運動員長期口服增加耐力。

4. 控制內臟脂肪過多症: 內臟脂肪的增多是不是比皮下脂肪更多地對人體的健康造成傷害?答案是顯而易見的。目前已知,由於內臟脂肪的增多而產生的一些蛋白質被統稱爲不健康的因子。

在我們人體中,各種各樣的蛋白質擔負着不同的使命,並保持身體的健康。但是,當內臟脂肪過多時,某些被稱之爲“ TNF-α,PAI-1, and MCP-1 ”的蛋白質會引起血管堵塞以及高血糖等一系列臨牀表現。 實驗證明oligonol作爲一種可以調節脂肪因子的成分,可以有效地預防及改善代謝綜合徵和相關的心臟病。服用oligonol組和對照組相比,明顯地減少了皮下脂肪,內臟脂肪以及腹圍(腹部CT比較)。



76. "Investigation og the Amelioration Effects of Oligonol® on Tinnitus in Randomized Double-blinded Placebo-controlled Trial"Jun Nishihira (Hokkaido Information University, Japan), Japan Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 44(9): 1329-1336, 2016

75. "Anti-obesity effects of Oligonol in healthy subjects: a double blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial"Masaki Taga (Wayo Women's University, Japan), Clinical Parmacology and Therapy, 26(3), 85-96, 2016

74. "Global Liver Gene Expression Analysis on a Murine Metabolic Syndrome Model Treated by Low-molecular-weight Lychee Fruit Polyphenol (Oligonol®)"Koji Wakame (Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharamacy, Japan), Anticancer Research, 36(7): 3705-3713, 2016

73. "Oligonol, a low-molecular-weight polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, protects the pancreas from apoptosis and proliferation via oxidative stress in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats"Chan Hum Park (National Institute of Horticultural, Korea), Food & Function, 7(7): 3056-3063, 2016

72. "Flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract alleviates diet-induced insulin resistance via suppressing mTOR/SREBP-1 mediated lipogenesis in liver and restoring insulin signaling in skeletal muscle"Sue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 60(10): 2288-2296, 2016

71. "Oligonol, a lychee fruit-derived low-molecular form of polyphenol mixture, suppresses inflammatory cytokine production from human monocytes"Insoo Kang (Yale University School of Medicine, USA), Human Immunology, 77(6): 512-525, 2016

70. "Low-molecular-weight polyphenols protect kidney damage through suppressing NF-κB and modulating mitochondrial biogenesis in diabetic db/db mice"Sue-Joan Chang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan), Food & Function, 7(4): 1941-1949, 2016

69. "Oligonol promotes anti-aging pathways via modulation of SIRT1-AMPK-Autophagy Pathway"Takako Yokozawa (Toyama University, Japan), Nutrition Research and Practice, 10(1): 3-10, 2016

68. "Oligonol Ameliorates CCl4-Induced Liver Injury in Rats via the NK-Kappa B and MAPK Signaling Pathways"Jeonghyeon Bak (Pusan National University, Korea), Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Article ID 3935841, 2016

67. "Inhibitory evaluation of oligonol on α-glucosidase, protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B, cholinesterase, and β-secretase 1 related to diabetes and Alzheimer's disease"Takako Yokozawa (Toyama University, Japan), Archives of Pharmacal Research, 39(3), 409-420, 2016


66. "Inhibitory effects of several saturated fatty acids and their related fatty alcohols on the growth of Candida albicans"Kazumi Hayama (Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology, Japan), Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics, 9(6): 386-390, 2015

65. "Development a new aroma candy for maintenance of the oral health"Kazumi Hayama (Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology, Japan), Medical Mycology Research, 6(1): 3-9, 2015

64. "Oligonol suppresses lipid accumulation and improves insulin resistance in a palmitate-induced in HepG2 hepatocytes as a cellular steatosis model"Jae-Yeo Park (Yonsei University College of Nursing, Korea), BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15: 185, 2015

63. "Therapeutic Effects of Oligonol, Acupuncture, and Quantum Light Therapy in Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis"Hakan Akdere (Trakya University, Turkey), Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, doi: org/10.1155/2015/687196, 2015

62. "Protective role of oligonol from oxidative stress-induced inflammation in C6 glial cell"Eun Ju Cho (Pusan National University, Korea), Nutrition Research and Practice, 9(2):123-128, 2015

61. "Analgesic Effects of Oligonol, Acupuncture and Quantum Light Therapy on Chronic Nonbacterial Prostatitis"Mehmet Burgazli (Wuppertal Research and Medical center, Germany), Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 17(4): e26006, 2015

60. "The Effects of an Aroma Candy on Oral Candida albicans Colony-forming Units (CFU) and Oral Hygiene States in Healthy Elderly Carrying Candida albicans"Motohumi Suzuki (Institute of Medical Mycology, Teikyo University, Japan), Medical Mycology Journal, 56: J31-J40, 2015

59. "Anti-Candida Activity of Aroma Candy and Its Protective Activity Against Murine Oral Candidasis"Kazumi Hayama (Institute of Medical Mycology, Teikyo University, Japan), Medical Mycology Journal, 56: J23-J29, 2015

58. "Oligonol, a low-molecular-weight polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, attenuates gluco-lipotoxicity mediated renal disorder in type 2 diabetic db/db mice"Chan Hum Park (University of Toyama, Japan), Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics, 9(1): 13-22, 2015

57. "Oligonol Supplementation Modulates Plasma Volume and Osmolality and Sweating After Heat Load in Humans."Jeong Beom Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Journal of Medicinal Food, 18(5): 578-583, 2015


56. "Oligonol improves memory and cognition under an amyloid β25-35-induced Alzheimer's mouse model"Yoon Young Choi (Pusan National University, Korea), Nutrition Research, 34: 595-603, 2014

55. "Beneficial effect of Oligonol supplementation on sweating response under heat stress in humans"Jeong Beom Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Food & Function, 5(10): 2516-2520, 2014

54. "Inhibition of Adipogenesis by Oligonol through Akt-mTOR Inhibition in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes"Hyangkyu Lee (Yonsei University College of Nursing, Korea), Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, doi: 10.1155/2014/895272, 2014

53. "The Anti-fatigue Effect of the Next Generation of Oligomerized Polyphrnol (Oligonol)"Takehito Miura (Amino Up Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan), FOOD STYLE 21, 209: 71-74, 2014

52. "Effect of Lychee Fruit Extract (Oligonol) on Peripheral Circulation, a Pilot Study"Kohei Homma (Amino Up Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan), Natural Medicine Journal, 6(7), 2014

51. "Oligonol Supplementation Affects Leukocyte and Immune Cell Counts after Heat Loading in Humans"Jeong Beom Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Nutrients, 6(6), 2466-2477, 2014

50. "Oligonol, a Low-Molecular-Weight Polyphenol Derived from Lychee Fruit, Attenuates Diabetes-Induced Renal Damage through the Advanced Glycation End Product-Related Pathway in db/db Mice"Chan Hum Park (Daegu Haany University, Korea), The Journal of Nutrition, 114, 193961, 2014

49. "Suppression of N-Methyl-N-Nitrosourea-Induced Retinal Damage in Mice by Oligonol, an Oligomerized Polyphenol Formulation"Satoru Yui (Teikyo University, Japan), Advances in Biological Chemistry, 4, 138-147, 2014

48. "The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Flavanol-rich Lychee Fruit Extract in Rat Hepatocytes"Mikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), PLOS ONE, 9(4), e93818, 2014

47. "Thirteen-week oral dose toxicity study of Oligonol containing oligomerized polyphenols extracted from lychee and green tea"Kentaro Kitadate (Amino Up Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan), Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 68: 140-146, 2014


46. "Oligonol Inhibits Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Colitis and Colonic Adenoma Formation in Mice"Young-Joon Surh (Seoul National University, Korea), Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 19(2): 102-114, 2013

45. "Oligomerized lychee fruit-derived polyphenol attenuates cognitive impairment in senescence-accelerated mice and endoplasmic reticulum stress in neuronal cells"Hideki Ono (Kyorin University, Japan), British Journal of Nutrition, 28: 1-10, 2013

44. "Analysis of supercooling activity of tannin-related polyphenols"Seizo Fujikawa (Hokkaido University, Japan), Cryobiology, 67: 40-49, 2013

43. "Oligonol Supplementation Attenuates Body Temperature and the Circulating Levels of Prostaglandin E2 and Cyclooxygenase-2 After Heat Stress in Humans"Jeong Beom Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Journal of Medical Food, 16(4): 318-323, 2013

42. "Functional Analyses of Oligonol by Novel Neutrophil Activity Measurement System"Katsuhiko Suzuki (Waseda University, Japan), Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative, 10(1): 59-62, 2013


41. "Safety of oligonol, a highly bioavailable lychee-derived polyphenolic antioxidant, on liver, kidney and heart function in rats"Manashi Bagchi(NutriToday LLC, USA), Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 22(7): 555-559, 2012

40. "Oligonol-induced Degradation of Perilipin 1 is Regulated through Lysosomal Degradation Machinery"Hideki Ohno (Kyorin University, Japan), Natural Product Communications, 7(9): 1193-1196, 2012

39. "Oligomerized lychee fruit extract (OLFE) and a mixture of vitamin C and vitamin E for endurance capacity in a double blind randomized controlled trial"Seung Wan Kang (Seoul National University, Korea), Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, 50(2): 106-113, 2012


38. "Effect of Oligonol Intake on Cortisol and Cytokines, and Body Temperature after Leg Immersion into Hot Water"Jeong-Beom Lee (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Food Science Biotechnology, 20(3): 659-663, 201137. "The Function of the Next Generation of Oligomerized Polyphrnol (Oligonol)"Koji Wakame (Amino Up Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan), aromatopia (Japanese), 20(4): 87-91, 201136. "Treatment with oligonol, a low-molecular polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, attenuates diabetes-induced hepatic damage through regulation of oxidative stress and lipid metabolism"Takako Yokozawa (University of Toyama, Japan), British Journal of Nutrition, 106: 1013-1022, 201135. "Antioxidant Therapy as a Potential Approach to Severe Influenza-Associated Complications"Hiroo Toyoda (Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Japan), Molecules, 16: 2032-2052, 201134. "Absorption of Nitrogen Dioxide by the Polyphenol Solution"Eiji Obata (Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan), KAKORONBUNSHU, 37(2): 162-166, 201133. "Effects of Oligonol®, an oligomerized polyphenol formulated from lychee fruit, on serum concentration and urinary excretion of uric acid"Yuji Moriwaki (Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan), Journal Journal of Functional Foods, 3, 13-16, 201132. "The Function of the Next Generation of Polyphrnol "Oligonol""Jun Takanari (Amino Up Chemical Co., Ltd., Japan), New Food Industry, 53(3), 9-21, 201131. "Evaluation of the formula designed as drink containing several natural nutrition in the human sex enhancement"Hiroyoshi Moriyama (Showa Pharmaceutical University, Japan), FOOD STYLE 21, 165, 41-43, 201130. "Supplementation with a Flavanol-rich Lychee Fruit Extract Influences the Inflammatory Status of Young Athletes"Mikio Nishizawa (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), Phytotherapy Research, 25(10): 1486-1493, 2011


29. "Oxidative Stress in Hypobaric and Normobaric Hypoxia and Antioxidant effect of Oligonol"Jun-ichi Nagasawa (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan), Japanese Journal of Mountain Medicine, 30, 118-124, 201028. "Comparison of the Effect of Oligonol, A New Lychee Fruit-derived Low Molecular Form of Polyphenol, and Epigallocatechin-3-gallate on Lipolysis in Rat Primary Adipocytes"Jun-etsu Ogasawara (Kyorin University, Japan), Phytotherapy Research, DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3296, 201027. "Oligonol, an oligomerized lychee fruit-derived polyphenol, activates the Ras/ Raf-1/ MEK1/2 cascade independent of the IL-6 signaling pathway in rat primary adipocytes"Jun-etsu Ogasawara (Kyorin University, Japan), Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 402, 554-559, 201026. "The effect of Oligonol intake on cortisol and related cytokines in healthy young men"Hun-Mo Yanga (Soonchunhyang University, Korea), Nutrition Research and Practice, 4(3), 203-207, 201025. "Hypolipidaemic and antioxidative effects of oligonol, a low-molecular-weight polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, on renal damage in type 2 diabetic mice"Takako Yokozawa (University of Toyama, Japan), British Journal of Nutrition, 104(8), 1120-1128, 201024. "Oligonol a low molecular weight polyphenol of lychee fruit extract inhibits proliferation of influenza virus by blocking reactive oxygen species-dependent ERK phosphorylation"Mehran Haidari (The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA), Phytomedicine, 17(13), 1047-1056, 201023. "Therapeutic Effect of Oligonol, a Low-molecular Polyphenol Formulation Derived from Lychee Fruits on Murine Oral Candidiasis"Shigeru Abe (Institute of Medical Mycology, Teikyo University, Japan), Japanese Journal of Medical Mycology, 51(2), 137-142, 201022. "The Function of the Next Generation Polyphenol, "Oligonol""Takehito Miura (Amino Up Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan), Biotechnology in Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals (Taylor & Francis), 91-101, 201021. "Bioactivity of a flavanol-rich lychee fruit extract in adipocytes and its effects on oxidant defense and indices of metabolic syndrome in animal models"Carl L. Keen (University of California, Davis, USA), Phytotherapy Research, 24, 1223-1228, 201020. "Beneficial effect of the oligomerized polyphenol oligonol on high glucose-induced changes in eNOS phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in endothelial cells"Hiroki Yokoo (University of Toyama, Japan), British Journal of Pharmacology, 159, 928-938, 201019. "The Function of the Next Generation of Polyphrnol "Oligonol""Takehito Miura (Amino Up Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan), Japan Food Science, 49(1), 37-44, 2010


18. "Amelioration of abdominal obesity by low-molecular-weight polyphenol (Oligonol) from lychee"Jun Nishihira (Hokkaido Information University, Japan), Journal of Functional Foods, 1(4), 341-348, 200917. "Oligonol, a new lychee fruit-derived low-molecular form of polyphenol, enhances lipolysis in primary rat adipocytes through activation of the ERK1/2 pathway"Jun-etsu Ogasawara (Kyorin University, Japan), Phytotherapy Research 23, 1626-1633, 200916. "Inhibition of Lung Metastasis in Mice by Oligonol"Hyung-In Moon, et al. (Wonkwang University, Korea), Phytotherapy Research, 23, 1043-1046, 200915. "Preventive Effects of Oligomerized Polyphenol on Estradiol-Induced Prostatitis in Rats"Sung Joon Hong (Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea), Yonsei Medical Journal, 50(3), 391-398, 200914. "Anti oxidative effects of Oligonol, new oligomerized polyphenol formulation"Hideki Ono (Kyorin University, Japan), FOOD FUNCTION, 5(1), 2-7, 200913. "Oligonol, a lychee fruit-derived low molecular weight polyphenol formulation, inhibits UVB-induced cyclooxygenase-2 expression, and induces NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase-1 expression in hairless mouse skin"Joydeb Kumar Kundul (Seoul National University, South Korea), Journal of Functional Foods, 1, 98-108, 2009


12. "Inhibitory effects of oligonol on phorbol ester-induced tumor promotion and COX-2 expression in mouse skin: NF-κB and C/EBP as potential targets"Joydeb Kumar Kundu, et al. (Seoul National University, South Korea), Cancer Letters, 273, 86-97, 2008

11. "The Function of the Next Generation of Polyphrnol "Oligonol""Takehito Miura (Amino Up Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan), Japanese Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 5(3), 163-171, 2008

10. "Acute, subchronic and genotoxicity studies conducted with Oligonol, an oligomerized polyphenol formulated from lychee and green tea extracts"Ashley Roberts, et al. (Cantox Health Sciences International, Canada), Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46, 3553-3562, 2008

9. "The Supplementation of Oligonol, the New Lychee Fruit-derived Polyphenol Converting into a Low-molecular Form, Has a Positive Effect on Fatigue during Regular Track-and-field Training in Young Athletes"Hideki Ohno (Kyorin University, Japan), Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology, 13(4), 93-99, 2008

8. "Anti oxidative effects of a new lychee fruitderived polyphenol mixture, Oligonol, converted into a low-molecular form in adipocytes"Takuya Sakurai (Kyorin University, Japan), Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 72(2), 463-476, 2008

7. "Oligonol Inhibits UVB-induced COX-2 Expression in HR-1 Hairless Mouse Skin ― AP-1 and C/EBP as Potential Upstream Targets"Joydeb Kumar Kundu (Seoul National University, South Korea), Photochemistry and Photobiology, 84, 399-406, 2008

6. "Flavanols: digestion, absorption and bioactivity"Robert M. Hackman, et al. (University of California, Davis, USA), Phytochemistry Reviews, 7, 195-208, 2008


5. "Production of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins by Fragmentation of Polymers"Gen-ichiro Nonaka (Usaien Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Japan), Japanese Journal of Food Chemistry, 14(3), 134-139, 2007

4. "Significance of intake of antioxidant supplements in high-altitude climbing -Oligonol as a main subject-"Hideki Ohno (Kyorin University, Japan), Japanese Journal of Mountain Medicine, 27, 43-60, 2007

3. "Modulation of infection-induced inflammation and locomotive deficit and longevity in senescence-accelerated mice-prone (SAMP8) model by the oligomerized polyphenol Oligonol"Okeizie I. Aruoma (Touro University), Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 61, 427-434, 2007

2. "Preparation, Characterization, and Antioxidative Effects of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin-L-Cysteine Complexes"Hajime Fujii (Amino Up Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan), Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2007


1. "Evaluation of the safety and toxicity of the oligomerized polyphenol Oligonol"
