


Chinese students in UK allegedly abuse animal

A college in the UK said Tuesday they are looking into allegations that one of their Chinese students was involved in acts of animal cruelty, and have referred the matter to the police。


The University of the Arts London (UAL) told the Global Times that they are taking the matter seriously and are doing everything to cooperate with the police。


The reply came after posts of two Chinese international students in London allegedly being taken by London police for animal cruelty went viral on Chinese social media over the weekend。


According to posts spread on Sina Weibo, two students, a man from UAL surnamed Cai, and a woman surnamed Zhang from King‘s College London, killed the cat of Cai’s friend and buried it secretly in a park in December 2018。


Cai told his friend the cat was dead a month later。 The friend then reported the matter to the police。


The Global Times reporter found screenshots and videos alleged to be evidence of the cruelty, the authenticity of which could not be confirmed, on Weibo, which outraged many netizens。 In a video, a cat is hung in the air with tapes around its neck。


A statement from the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at King‘s College London on their WeChat account on Sunday said one of their students was allegedly a suspect in the case and was waiting for the results of a police investigation。


“If it (animal cruelty) is true, they (the two suspects) probably need to go to jail,” a London police officer told the Global Times on Tuesday。


The maximum sentence for animal cruelty is six months, but is tenfold for serious offenses to clarify that there is no place for animal cruelty in England, according the UK government website。


