
网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

当地回应:食品原料封存送检 将彻查

网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

The public security bureau of Wenjiang district in Chengdu, where the school is located, is looking into eight school administrators in connection with the incident, the information office of the Wenjiang district government said on Wednesday. 13日,成都市温江区人民政府新闻办公室发布情况通报称,温江区公安分局目前正在对掌握的成都七中实验学校负责食品安全的8名责任人开展全面深入的调查。

网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

The district's market regulation bureau has taken samples of 19 batches of food and sealed up all food at the storeroom and freezer, they said. 区市场监管局对投诉反映的19个批次的食材进行了抽样,对所有冻库及库房内食材进行了查封。

网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

The school has ended its relations with its food supplier and will look for a new food supplier under the supervision of parents and authorities, the statements said. 成都七中实验学校立即终止与原食品供应商的合作,在政府部门和家长的监督下,重新确定食品供应商。

网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

The city's education authority and Chengdu Administration of Market Regulation have sent work groups to look into the incidents together with the district authority and will publish the results as soon as possible, they said. 成都市教育局、成都市市场监管局已派出工作组,会同温江区加快调查进度,及时公布调查结果。

"The district government has zero tolerance for food safety incidents and will hold violators responsible, no matter who they are," they added. 温江区委、区政府坚决采取零容忍态度,不论是谁,一查到底,严肃处理,决不姑息。 ​​​​


The State Administration for Market Regulation has asked authorities in Sichuan province to investigate the incident. 国家市场监管总局要求四川省对此次学校食品安全事件进行调查。

The administration has asked market regulators nationwide to conduct thorough inspections on school food and prevent any risks to ensure the safety of students, it said in a statement on Wednesday. 同时,市场监管总局要求在全国范围内全面排查学校食品安全隐患,严防严管严控学校食品安全风险,切实保障广大学生饮食安全。



"We will use the most stringent regulatory measures and the most strict punishment to promote the continuous improvement of food and drug safety and ensure what people eat and use are safe," Fu Zhenghua, minister of justice, said on Tuesday during a "passage interview" on the sidelines of the ongoing two sessions. 司法部部长傅政华在“部长通道”上说:“我们将用最严谨的标准、最严格的监管手段、最严厉的处罚、最严肃的问责来推动我国食品药品安全领域持续向好,使人民更满意,让群众吃得安全、用得放心。”


Food security强调的是确保人们都能得到维持健康生活所需要的粮食,主要跟粮食的供应和人们获取的渠道有关;而food safety强调的是确保人们吃进嘴里的食物在生产、存储和销售等环节都符合卫生健康标准。



网曝成都七中实验学校给学生吃发霉食物 各方最新回应

Students in Sichuan province eat healthy, free meal at school, Sept 6, 2017. [Photo/IC]

People in charge of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in China should eat with students at school canteens, according to a notice issued on Monday. 幼儿园、中小学每餐均应当有学校相关负责人与学生共同用餐。

It requires that administrators should keep record of each meal and resolve any food problems as soon as possible. Parents can also eat with students at school canteens and give suggestions to the school on food safety and nutrition, it said. 通知要求,学校负责人应做好陪餐记录,及时发现和解决集中用餐过程中存在的问题。家长也可以参与陪餐,并在学校食品安全与营养健康等方面提出意见。

The schools should publish the sources of the food to the public and invite parents to participate in the management and supervision of food safety and nutrition, the notice said. 学校应当及时向师生家长公开食品进货来源、供餐单位等信息,组织师生家长代表参与食品安全与营养健康的管理和监督。

There should be no small food shops at campuses, those shops that have obtained permits should avoid selling snacks that have lots of salt, sugar and fat, it said. 中小学、幼儿园一般不得在校内设置小卖部、超市等食品经营场所,确有需要设置的,应当依法取得许可,并避免售卖高盐、高糖及高脂食品。

The notice will take effect on April 1. 该规定自2019年4月1日起施行。


食品安全 food safety

非法食品添加剂 illegal food additives

农药残留 pesticide residues

转基因食品 genetically modified (GM) food

食品添加剂 food additive

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
