

Kevin Durant to the Knicks isn ’ t as crazy as it sounds. It ’ s more than just the chance to build his brand. There are basketball reasons for him to make the move next summer. Durant didn ’ t go to Golden State just to win titles; he wanted to become a complete player. He no longer has any holes in his game. The only thing left is to be a primary ball handler, something he can ’ t do while playing on the same team as Steph Curry.



more than 在此为 不仅仅

1. 勇士生涯,荣誉满满


Durant had a career-high true shooting percentage ( 65.1 ) two seasons ago, and averaged a career high in assists ( 5.7 ) per 36 minutes last season. His block rate ( 3.9 percent ) is almost twice as high as it was in Oklahoma City.Steph and Durant are the only two players in NBA history who have a season with a true shooting percentage higher than 64.0 while attempting more than six 3-pointers a game.

过去 2 个赛季,杜兰特的真实投篮命中率创生涯新高 65.1%,上赛季场均 36 分钟内可斩获 5.7 助攻,创生涯新高。他的封盖率 3.9%,近乎在俄城时的 2 倍。在 NBA 历史上,库里和杜兰特是唯一一对场均 3 分出手 6 次以上同时赛季投篮真实命中率高于 64% 的球员。

2. 杜詹对比,相似颇多


Durant, like LeBron, can defend players at all five positions, and play all five positions on offense. And while Durant will never be as good of a passer as LeBron, LeBron will never be as good of a shooter as Durant. It ’ s unclear how Durant would do in a role like the one LeBron had in Cleveland and Miami. He has played with either Westbrook or Steph his entire career.

和勒布朗一样,杜兰特防守端可以对位场上 5 个位置,进攻端也能胜任 5 个位置。杜兰特传球逊色于詹姆斯,而投篮更胜一筹。骑士和热火时詹姆斯所扮演角色,换成杜兰特,他会如何做尚不清楚。他的整个生涯,身边不是威少就是库里。

3. 搭档波神,纽约假想


The Knicks can build a better version of last season ’ s Cavs around Durant. Kristaps Porzingis, assuming he can return healthy from the torn ACL he suffered last February, is an evolutionary Kevin Love. Porzingis would open up the floor for Durant, while Durant would create open 3s for him. Porzingis isn ’ t as good a passer or rebounder as Love, but his defensive ability makes him a better fit as a no. 2 option.Porzingis, already an elite big man at 23, will be even better next to Durant.

尼克斯可以围绕杜兰特打造出上赛季骑士的升级版阵容。波尔津吉斯如果能从二月韧带撕裂中康复,将是进化版的勒夫。波尔津吉斯可以给杜兰特拉开空间,而杜兰特也能为波尔津吉斯创造 3 分空位。篮板和传球,波尔津吉斯不如勒夫,但他的防守能力使他更适合第二选择。23 岁时波尔津吉斯已成长为顶尖的大个子球员,与杜兰特搭档他会更出色。

evolutionary [ ˌ i:v əˈ lu: ʃə nri ] adj. 进化的

elite [ ɪˈ lit, e ˈ lit ] n.< 法 > 精华 ; 精锐,精英 ; 上层集团


Durant would be putting his faith in a bunch of young players if he came to the Knicks. It ’ s no different than what LeBron did with the Lakers. Durant has been chasing LeBron his entire career, and they could wind up with strikingly similar career arcs. Golden State could be Durant ’ s version of Miami, a place where he learned how to win before taking those lessons to a new franchise that built everything around him.


4. 前程未定,未来可期


Everything is on the table for Durant. A three-peat with the Warriors means he will have as many rings as LeBron. A team with Durant on it will always be a contender. If it doesn ’ t work out in New York, he can go somewhere else in a couple seasons and create a new dynasty. He just turned 30 in September. There are a lot more chapters in his career to be written.

一切选择都摆在杜兰特面前。和勇士队夺得三连冠将使他追平詹姆斯冠军戒指数。任何一支拥有杜兰特的球队都是争冠劲旅。尼克斯失败的话,一两个赛季内他还可以去其他球队,创造王朝。今年 9 月才年满 30,他的生涯还有华章可以谱写。

on the table 在桌子上 ; 被提交考虑 ; 被提到桌面上 ; 被搁置

contender [ k ə n ˈ t ɛ nd ɚ ] n.(冠军)争夺者,竞争者

Enjoy The Process


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