
Today, with the development of technology, most people choose to deliver message by smart phone, and less people will write letters. As a result, some people start to miss the old way of receiving message, they think it is much meaningful. My grandma collected the letter she received. She kept them in a big box. These letters were her great treasure. I was very curious and asked her which letter she impressed the most. She told me the letter my grandpa wrote to her for the first time. She read from the words that my grandpa was very nervous and she was happy to got the letter. These letters recorded a young couple's story, which was such a romantic story. The life pace is so fast nowadays that people don't have the time to enjoy writing a letter. ”    

Since I go to school, the teachers always educate us to study hard, so that we can be successful people in the future. I have thought of my future life in twenty years. At that time, I will work in the office from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I will spend the time with my parents. I want to share my life with them.  ”      


骑三轮车的是名50多岁的女子,该女子由于身体撑不过头先着地,现场鲜血直流。 轿车司机见状立马下车,把三轮车车主扶起来勉强坐在侧翻的三轮车上。看到头上的血一直流个不停,轿车司机和伤者都慌了神,伤者忙用手套紧紧摁住伤口,血才渐渐少了下来。轿车司机在一旁边安慰对方,边打电话报警并通知其家人。不一会儿,轿车司机家人赶到了,可120还没赶到,轿车司机与家人一致同意先把伤者送完医院,回头再来处理事故现场。伤者在轿车司机与家人的搀扶下,火速赶往医院。


(来源:昭通论坛  网友@残花为谁悲丶)昭通在线

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