
自稱花了5年時間籌備、斥資3.6億的《上海堡壘》(Shanghai Fortress)自8月9日上映以來票房口碑雙雙潰敗。目前,該片在豆瓣的評分已經降至3.2分。



Shanghai Fortress, which has seen its score falling to 3.2 points out of ten on the reviewing site Douban, has been criticized fiercely online.《上海堡壘》被網友批得體無完膚。豆瓣評分一路下跌,目前僅3.2分。




“It doesn’t just show dissatisfaction with the film,” Teng wrote. “It also shows a loss of hope in Chinese sci-fi. As the director, I’m inescapably responsible for this, and I’m truly sorry.”滕華濤寫道:這不僅僅是對電影不滿意,也是對中國科幻電影的期待落空了。作爲導演,我有着不可推卸的責任,真的很抱歉。”




A similar statement on Sina Weibo came from novelist, and the film's scriptwriter, Yang Zhi, better known by his pseudonym Jiang Nan: "To those who don't like the film, I am sorry that it didn't live up to your expectations."江南在微博中寫道:“致歉於那些不喜歡電影的朋友,辜負了你的等待。”









記得年初,《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)勢如破竹的時候,中國電影人都很興奮。“中國科幻元年”終於到來的呼聲不絕於耳。


Here are the elements that paved a solid ground for the soaring success of The Wandering Earth: Director Guo Fan is a diehard sci-fi fan; the script was adapted from top sci-fi novelist Liu Cixin's eponymous work and its lead star, Wu Jing, is a box office draw who mostly plays tough guys on screen, matching the persona of the astronaut who sacrifices his life to save the Earth in the movie.


But The Wandering Earthhas become a game changer, making people highly anticipate Shanghai Fortress, which was produced almost in the same time period as The Wandering Earth. And, the creators behindShanghai Fortresshad worked hard.





He spent six years on the production, with one-and-a-half years on special effects. Teng once said that he believed shooting big-budget films with a lot of visual effects will be the mainstream in the future, so he wanted to be on board. However, he is obviously incompetent.他用了六年製作,一年半花在特效上。他曾經表示,視覺特效豐富的大成本影片未來有可能成爲全球電影市場的“主流”,他希望自己也能成爲這股“洪流”的一部分。然而,他顯然功力不夠。



In the original story, the protagonist, Jiang Yang, who is played by Lu, and Lin Lan, played by Shu, are respectively 22 and 23 years old. This age gap makes it easier to shape a convincing romance. But Lu is 14 years younger than Shu, and both fail to create appealing chemistry on the big screen.原著中,男女主人公江洋和林瀾的年齡設定,分別是22歲和23歲。這樣的年齡差,是可以讓人信服他們之間的朦朧愛意。但差了14歲的鹿晗和舒淇,卻無論如何撐不起這樣的銀幕CP感。




Considering there have already been so many excellent Hollywood films depicting alien creatures, it's easy to understand why Chinese audiences are not satisfied with the look of the hunters from the Delta civilization in Shanghai Fortress.



Actually, there are two main subgenres of sci-fi productions, respectively dubbed soft sci-fi and hard sci-fi. A love story can shape a wonderful sci-fi story, such as The Time Traveler's Wife, but the storyline inShanghai Fortress— which was supposed to be a heartbreaking romance amid turbulence — is told in a poorly made narrative, failing to touch the audience.



科幻片 sci-fi movie

特效 special effects

票房慘敗 box-office flop/bomb

頂級明星卡司 cast of A-listers

賣座電影 box-office hit
