




  那么问题来了,你知道在当下最活跃的互联网及相关科技行业中,最前沿、最性感的话题是什么吗?答案当然是:人-工-智-能。说起AI、VR、FinTech、Deep Learning、NLU、Computer Vision,这些名词你大概也听过一二,可是如何优雅地用英文秀一秀你对人工智能趋势的涉猎和了解,显示一下你惊人的知识更新能力和语言的quality呢?聪明的办法是,直接跟引领潮流、创造未来的科技企业领袖们学习。



  Topic 1 :为什么如今AI这么火?

  Now why AI, all of a sudden, becomes so useful? AI technology, the word “AI” is not new. It was invented 60 years ago. But only until the past 10 years or so we started to realize that AI is actually useful. Because the computing power today is much cheaper than before, and much more powerful than before. And because we have a lot more data than before .With big data and cheap computing power, AI is finally here.




  We are entering the next episode, which I call AI-based internet .this episode is also different from PC and different from mobile. You can probably tell from the Baidu search app. In the search box, there is a camera icon there and underneath there is a big microphone icon in the center of the bottom.


  That’s different from the previous versions. Because we think people can easily use voice or image to express their interests. And we should be able to satisfy that kind of interests.And that is because of AI. Today voice recognition accuracy is very high. In our case, the accuracy is about 97% .What does 97% mean? It means it’s better than a normal human. So, voice recognition has almost matured. It can be used in many areas.


  1)AI-based internet:基于人工智能的互联网,人工智能互联网时代

  2)voice recognition:语音识别



  Natural language understanding (NLU) is also a big trend in Internet industry. Companies are working diligently on the so-called virtual assistants. And in our case it’s called Duer. It is a virtual system. You can talk to it using natural language.


  It will be able to tell a joke. It will be able to book a hotel for you. It will be able to answer any questions that you typically need to use search engine to search for. And it’s getting smarter and smarter. We launched that probably a year ago and it’s getting better and better every day. Just over the past months, we use it to interpret the Olympic basketball game and it did very well. It is pretty much like a human interpreter.


  1) naturallanguage understanding (NLU):自然语言理解


  Topic 4:什么?人工智能还会影响就业?我们应该怎么办?

  We are now at the junction of old technology and new technology .Benefits from the last technological revolution continue to decline and the new technological revolution is emerging, resultingin the technology of artificial intelligence, new materials and new energy.



  At present, these transformative technologies are still in their infancy ,so large revolutionary effects have not yet occurred. Some people are even worried new technology may cause unemployment. In my view, the experiences of the previous technological revolutions teach us that we should embrace such new technologies actively. We should apply newtechnologies to increase efficiency, improve infrastructure and expand employment.


  1)the junction of old technology and new technology:新旧技术革命的交界点

  2)in their infancy:处于萌芽期






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