




  其实这个问题也是在考查个人的时间管理(time management),可以根据实际情况来谈周末都会做些什么,比如看好莱坞电影、和朋友去玩或者逛街(watch a Hollywood movie/hang out with friends/go shopping)。每周七天,五天工作(5 workdays),两天休息(2 days for rest),劳逸结合才不会被工作累垮(crack down)。

  Q1:Is the weekend your favourite part of a week? [Why/Why not?]

  Yes. On the weekend I prefer to relax myself and do some exercise. For instance, I ride my bike once in a while or play some sport to keep fit.Besides, I enjoy watching a variety of TV shows and movies and this can make my life more colourful and pleasant.

  once in a while 偶尔,有时

  Q2:What did you do last weekend? [Why?]

  Last weekend, I spent most of my time having some leisure activities such as playing sports and watching movies. For instance, I played basketball with my friends and then we had dinner together. I also watched a Hollywood blockbuster in order to improve my English and

  learn more about foreign cultures.

  Hollywood blockbuster [blkbst(r)] 好莱坞大片

  Q3:Do you prefer to plan how to spend your weekends? [Why/Why not?]

  I don’t enjoy planning my weekends since my weekdays tend to be organised by a schedule. I prefer to do things as they arise without keeping a weekend routine. This gives me more freedom to choose what I want to do, instead of feeling restricted by a timetable.

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