目前楼价泡沫崩盘论”蔓延,投资客观望心十分浓郁,唯有将目光投向股市,奈何股市却极其低迷。余额宝、理财宝、百度百赚等宝宝们年利率约5%左右,但是能吸引投资客停下脚步吗?能吸引投资客的,唯有最近极其火爆的艺术品市场了,因为艺术品市场产生的惊人利益和不断涌现的财富神话,导致许多“土豪”蜂拥而入,试图分得一杯羹。当这些新贵收藏家进军收藏界时,元老级人物早已赚得盆钵满盈了。多姿多彩的瓷器是中国古代的伟大发明之一,“瓷器”与“中国”在英文中同为一词,充分说明中国瓷器的精美绝伦完全可以作为中国的代表。 高级瓷器拥有远高于一般瓷器的制作工艺难度,因此在古代皇室中也不乏精美瓷器的收藏,作为古代中国的特产奢侈品之一。瓷器艺术代表作品:“大清雍正年制”款斗彩团花碗、成化斗彩鸡缸杯、“青花缠枝花卉凤纹罐”等多次荣获国际国内大奖,受到国际友人和国家领导人的高度赞扬。是众多大收藏家梦寐以求的收藏品。


It is the most advanced production level of the Qing Dynasty, which represents the most advanced production level in the Qing Dynasty. From the color aspect, the color and the level of painting are the most advanced technology at that time. From the form of the instrument, it is an ornamental piece in the literary room, not the real thing. It's a cultural background. Moreover, fine workmanship and perfect preservation, though it has been going on for hundred years, has not worn away. The device is very delicate, glaze, neat, exquisite, exquisite, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, the beauty of the artistic conception is very intoxicated. "The Yong Zheng year system of the Qing Dynasty" is very rare, or may be the only treasure in the world. It is the legacy of the world. Jane, the value is unspeakable."The Qing Dynasty Yong Zheng, the lottery cup (a pair) cup (a pair), is going to land in Macao, it is difficult to imagine how the art collection market will be sensational, will undoubtedly rekindle the porcelain art collection market, a big drama from a large collection of big collectors will come. Are you ready for your collection?
