

观 自 在 菩 萨 。

Look at the Bodhisattva.


Avalokiteshvara: outside Guanyin, he is comfortable with inner sight. Look, you can't see with your eyes and eyes.

行 深 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 时 。

It's a long time.


Seeing is knowing, doing is doing. Avalokiteshvara entered deep meditation. Deep into the depth. "Praise" means natural wisdom. Polo, the other shore, refers to the place of emptiness, Samadhi.

照 见 五 蕴 皆 空。

The five things are empty.


In view of the foregoing, we should view the facts. All the five things are empty.

度 一 切 苦 厄 。

All is bitter.


In contrast to the foregoing, the depth of the line is greater than that of the other.

舍 利 子。



The house gains but gains. It is called "the sharp".

色 不 异 空。

The colors are different.

空 不 异 色 。

The air is different.


This is the Luo Han territory, and the Luo Han people also call the sound, the sense of origin, the sense of relentless, and the Han, the Buddha alone. Know all the dreams, break the outer edge and pull around, so the color is not the same, the air is not the same color.

色 即 是 空。

The color is empty.

空 即 是 色。

Empty is the color.


This is the realm of Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva is divided, aware, sensible and conscious. The Bodhisattvas are all equal, without mercy, and the body is sad, so the color is empty and the emptiness is the color.

受 想 行 识。

I want to know.

亦 复 如 是。

It is the same with.


This is a Buddhist realm. The Buddha, conscious and conscious, feels fulfilled without being merciless. The Buddha is supreme in his sense of reality.

舍 利 子。


是 诸 法 空 相 。

The law is empty.


All laws are born without a cause.

不 生 不 灭。

Neither dying nor being born.


The Luo Han people are so detached from life and death that they are neither alive nor dying.

不 垢 不 净。

No foul.


The Bodhisattva, if the heart is lotus, purports to be all creatures, so it is not dirty.

不 增 不 减 。

No increase or decrease.


The Buddha, the Tathagata, and the Diamond Sutra said, "Tathagata is nothing but nothing. It does not increase or decrease.

是 故 空 中 无 色。

The air is colorless.


Therefore, if we have a clear mind, everything is false.

无 受 想 行 识 。

There is no desire for knowledge.

无 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意。

No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind.

无 色 声 香 味 触 法 。

Colorless sound fragrance touch method.


The Luo Han people break six dust, decide six thieves, all those who cause trouble are killed, so six dust is not.

无 眼 界。

No vision.

乃 至 无 意 识 界 。

And even the unconscious.

无 无 明。

There is no ignorance.

亦 无 无 明 尽 。

There is no lack of clarity.

乃 至 无 老 死。

Or even death.

亦 无 老 死 尽。

Neither is old nor dead.

无 苦 集 灭 道 。

No bitterness extinguishing the Tao.

无 智 亦 无 得。

No wisdom, no gain.

以 无 所 得 故 。

With no gain.

普 提 萨 埵。

Pu Ti SA.


The Bodhisattva, the three seals, the four noble truths, the eight way, and the twelve karma. Three, the seals of the law are impermanent, the laws are without me, and the nirvana is silent. So nothing.

依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故 。

According to pineapple and polish.

心 无 挂 碍。

Have no cares.

无 挂 碍 故。

No harm.

无 有 恐 怖。

No horror.

远 离 颠 倒 梦 想。

Keep away from reversing dreams.

究 竟 涅 盘 。


三 世 诸 佛。

Three Buddhas.

依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故 。

According to pineapple and polish.

得 阿 耨 多 罗 三 藐 三 菩 提 。

The three are three.


The Buddha is supreme.


"Huayan Jing" said: "again, Buddha! The wisdom of the Buddha is everywhere. Why? None of the living beings possesses the Tathagata wisdom, but they can not be obtained by delusional inversion and persistence; if they are separated from delusions, all wisdom, natural wisdom and unhindered wisdom will be present. Buddha enters the samadhi, sees the natural wisdom, for all wisdom, natural wisdom, no wisdom.

故 知 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多。

It is known that the pineapple is more than the other.

是 大 神 咒 。

It's a big God curse.


The Rohan is the first and the great God is the curse.

是 大 明 咒。

It's Daming curse.


The Bodhisattva has six words of the Ming curse, and everything is destined for all sentient beings.

是 无 上 咒。

It's a supreme cur

是 无 等 等 咒。

It's a no wait curse.


The Buddha is supreme in the sense of reality, so there is no such curse.

能 除 一 切 苦。

It can remove all bitterness.

真 实 不 虚 。

True and not false.


The mantra, the consciousness, the power. Incantation can bring into the frequency of curse, but it will eliminate all difficulties.

故 说 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 咒。

Therefore, it is said that the pineapple is a curse.

即 说 咒 曰 。

That is to say, curse.

揭 谛 揭 谛。

To reveal the truth.


Remove all worries and remove all worries.

波 罗 揭 谛 。

Polo reveals the truth.


All sentient beings remove all worries together.

波 罗 僧 揭 谛。

Bo Seng Jie Jie di.


All those with me are free from all worries.

菩 提 萨 婆 诃 。



Let's prove the Bodhisattva together.












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