

Wood 用不完的木材 来自北京外语广播 00:00 25:00

The resources of the American colonies did not differ strikingly from those of Europe, except in one way. In this one area, the colonists enjoyed a great advantage. Especially by comparison with the British, Americans had a plentiful supply of wood. Wood was the foundation of colonial economy. First of all, houses and buildings were made of wood to an extent that was unknown in Britain. Secondly, wood was used as a fuel for heating and cooking. It was used for other things, too, but these are the two most important. Whereas Englishmen could be arrested for chopping down a tree on the king's land, Americans could find available wood everywhere they looked. Even today, America has an abundance of wood.



1. 介绍 first of all 及 at first 的不同:

a.first of all 表 ''第一点'' 或 ''首先'',用以按顺序陈述要点。请参看下列:

There are three things you need to know if you want to learn English well.

First of all / First / Firstly , you need to have a good dictionary.  Next / Second / Secondly   , you must read as much as possible every day.

Last / Lastly / Finally / Third / Thirdly   , you should learn to keep a diary in English, which will help sharpen your writing skills.


b. at first 表 ''起初,起先'',该副词短语在句中出现时,恒与过去时动词


At first  / In the beginning , I thought John was honest. Later, I found him a liar.


c. at last 表 ''终于'',请参看下例:

I'm glad that we finished all the work  at last / finally.


本课第五句及第六句句首分别使用了 First of all 及 Secondly 如下:

First of all, houses and buildings were made of wood to an extent that was

unknown in Britain. Secondly, wood was used as a fuel for heating and cooking.


2. 介绍 plenty 及 plentiful 的区别与用法:

a. plenty 是名词,表「许多」,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:

plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词

plenty of friends / books / pens / students...


plenty of work / money / information / water...


I'm sorry, but I can't go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.


Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.


b. plentiful 是形容词,表 ''大量的'' 或 ''充分的'',有下列用法:

John's friends are plentiful.

= John has plentiful friends.

= John has plenty of friends.


Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.


本课第二句即使用 ''a plentiful + 单数可数名词'' 的用法:

...Americans had a plentiful supply of wood.





英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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