
马背上的Godiva夫人作者 英国画家John Collier

John Collier 约翰·柯里尔 英国画家 1850-1934

The Last Voyage of Henry Hudson,1881

Charles Robert Darwin,1883

Sir George Biddell Airy,1883

The Child Bride,1883

Thomas Henry Huxley,1885

The Priestess of Bacchus,1889

Horace and Lydia,1890

Rudyard Kipling,1891

Priestess of Delphi,1891

In the Forest of Arden,1892

A glass of wine with Caesar Borgia,1893

Lady Godiva,1897

The Land Baby,1899

Queen Guinevre's Maying,1900

The Prodigal Daughter,1903

The Sinner,1904

The Death of Cleopatra,1910

The Grand Lady,1920

Sleeping Beauty,1921

The Water Nymph,1923

Portrait of Professor Huxley

The Artist's Wife, Marion Collier (née Huxley)

The Spring Wood

Spring at Cadenabbia


The Garden Party


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