
The Ice Festival in Harbin 来自北京外语广播 00:00 25:00

If you are planning a winter vacation, instead of heading south where the sun is warm, you can go north where ice covers the land. At least, that's what many people do each year as theyhead toHarbin for the annual winter ice festival. Harbin is the capital of Heilongjiang Province in Northeast China. Heilongjiang Province is justacrossthe borderfromRussian Siberia, so it is directly influenced by the cold winds of Central Siberia. Low winter temperatures can go down to-38 degreesCelsius. This makes it a perfect location for ice and snow culture. Harbin, known as "the City of Ice," is home to one of the world's grandest ice festivals.

The Harbin Ice Festival attracts ice artists from all the cold corners of the world. Teams from around the world join the International Ice Carving Contest. Alongside local artists, they use chainsaws to carve outchunksof ice from the nearby Songhua River. They then turn these ice blocks into beautifulsculpturesof every type. There are political figures, television and movie legends, comic book heroes, and fairytale characters. The artists also construct buildings of ice that may stand 11 stories high. Besides the usual sculptures, there are also ice slides, iceforts, and ice water swimming.

It is an annual event, usually held from January until March. The competition itself is held on a designated week during this period. The ice is usually allowed to melt away naturally. The festival exerts a strong draw on both local residents and visitors. Some of the ice buildings are embedded with colored lights, making nighttime observation possible. Ice sliding and skiing are popular activities on the occasion. The ice festival makes it worthwhile to brave the cold.

如果你正打算来个冬季假期,别去阳光和煦的南方了,你可以到冰雪覆盖着大地的北方。至少,每年有许多人都前往哈尔滨去过一年一度的冬季冰雕节。哈尔滨是中国东北黑龙江省省会。黑龙江省刚好就在俄罗斯西伯利亚边界的对面,所以直接受到中部西伯利亚冷风的影响。冬天的低温最低会下降到零下 38 摄氏度,这使哈尔滨成为一个发展冰雪文化的绝佳地点。哈尔滨以“冰都”而闻名,也是世界上最盛大的冰雕节重镇之一。

哈尔滨冰雕节吸引了来自全世界各寒冷地带的冰雕艺术家共襄盛举。全球各地的队伍都来参加这项国际冰雕比赛。他们与当地的艺术家一起从松花江里用电锯切割出大块的冰块。然后他们再把这些冰块变成各式各样美丽的雕刻品。作品包括了政治人物、电视电影中的传奇人物、漫画书中的英雄和童话故事中的人物。艺术家们也用冰建造了数栋高达 11 层的高楼。除了一般的雕塑以外还有冰雕滑梯、冰雕城堡及冰泳。

这是一年一度的盛会,通常在 1 月到 3 月间举办。比赛是在这段时间内指定的某一周举行。冰(雕作品)通常都让它自然融化掉。冰雕节对于当地居民和观光客都有很大的吸引力。有些冰造建筑物里装有彩色灯饰,使得夜间也能够观看。玩冰滑梯和滑雪是节庆中热门的活动。这个冰雕节值得我们顶着寒风来参加。


1. be home to + N 是……的所在地∕大本营∕家园

a. Chinais home tomany different ethnic groups.


Australiais home tokangaroos and koalas.


比较:be the home of...  是……的家

Thisis the home ofa famous movie actor.


b. 本课第一段最后一句即使用了 ''be home to+ N '' 的结构:

Harbin, (which is) known as "the City of Ice,"is home toone of the world's grandest ice festivals.


2. from 是介词,之后应置名词或动名词作宾语,如下例:

We should ban Johnfrom taking(动名词)drugs again.


John, who isfrom California(名词), is a good friend of mine.



a. from 也可接地点副词(如heretherehome等)或时间副词(如thenwhen等),请参看下例:

We're about 100 kilometers awayfrom home(地点副词)now.


It takes us two hours to flyfrom here(地点副词)to Shanghai.


John broke up with Mary two years ago.From thenon(时间副词), he becomequite depressed.


From when(时间副词)is the store open?

=From what time(时间名词词组)is the store open?


b. from 也可接介词短语作宾语,请参看下例:

The audience got excited when the singer showed up from behind the curtain.


c. 本课第二段第二句即使用了''from + 介词短语'' 的结构:

Teamsfrom around the worldjoin the International Ice Carving Contest.




英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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