





  考生在回答此题时可以先讲讲休息和不休息的好处/ 坏处,再讲自己偏向哪种以及偏向的原因,接下来应该重点讲在休息的时候你喜欢做什么,这样做对你有什么好处,如果不这样做会有什么让你不适应的地方,多举例子来支持自己的论述会让你的表达更丰富。


  Q1:Do you often take short breaks when you’reworking or studying? [Why/Why not?]

  Yes, I often take breaks when working or studying because it becomes difficult to concentrate after a long-time study. If I were to focus on one task for a long time, I couldn’t perform well. Short breaks can allow me to refresh my mind so that I can handle the task at a high level.

  refresh [rfre] vt. 恢复精神

  handle [hndl] vt. 处理 deal with

  Q2:What do you usually do when you take a break?

  When I take a break, I usually choose to listen to music to help relax my mind. Furthermore, I always close my eyes and give them a short rest before continuing to work. If it is a relatively long break, I may choose to watch a short TV show or eat something in order to get more energy to return to my work.

  relatively [reltvli] adv. 相对地

  Q3:Have you ever had a short sleep when taking a break? [Why/Why not?]

  Certainly, it is common for me to take a nap when I am having a break. After the nap, I feel more energised and my motivation levels are raised. A power nap can allow me to focus better on the task that I need to accomplish and it will increase my productivity.

  take a nap 小睡一下,打盹儿

  power nap 恢复精力的小睡

  accomplish [kmpl] vt. 完成

  productivity [prdktvti] n. 生产效率

  Q4:How do you feel after taking a break?

  Sometimes, after taking a break, I feel that I don’t want to go back to work and the break is not long enough. But most of the time, taking a break makes me feel more eager to fulfil my work. If the break is too long, I may become very lazy and do not want to do any work at all.


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