
In the world, could not deceive only, was own heart, it when you most has not always guarded against, exposed you to like sadly.

我記得 ,以前總會和你聊得很晚很晚 。現在我們不再說話了 ,我還是會熬夜 。但我想 ,不如從今天開始早點睡了。

I remember that I used to chat with you very late. Now that we stop talking, I will stay up late. But I think it's better to go to bed earlier today.


We were too timid to be warlords in the Republic of China, to go to rebellion in troubled times, and to say I love you in peaceful times.


If the youth is not short and hard,who cares about the coming day is far away ​ ​​​​


Give me an invitation when you get married. I want to taste the bitterest sugar in the world and drink the strongest wine in the world. Finally, I want to see, in the past, I like the boy who can even lose his dignity, and finally, what kind of gentle and moving woman I married.


When everyone thought I had a good time,I was just going through some tough road after hard road alone.


Even if you don't meet, talk or send messages, you'll always have a place in your heart and a person in it.

終於到了小時候羨慕的年齡,卻沒成爲小時候想成爲的人 。

At last, I envy the age when I was little, but I didn't become the person I wanted to be when I was little.

成長帶走的不只是時光,還帶走了那些不害怕失去的勇氣。Growth takes more than time and takes away courage that is not afraid of losing.

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