
Curiosity 来自北京外语广播 00:00 25:00

Curiosity is often silly, and sometimes it is wrong. People with nothing better to do are full of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing. They want to know what they are eating, what they are bringing home, or why they have come home so late. Curiosity about these things is silly because they are trivial. It is no business of theirs what their neighbors do. Such curiosity is not only foolish, but it sometimes even causes harm. For it generally leads to gossip which often gives rise to scandal and hurts innocent people.

On the other hand, there is a noble curiosity ─ the curiosity of wise men, who wonder at all the great things God has made and try to find out as much as they can about them. Columbus could never have found America had he not been curious. James Watt would not have made the steam engine without his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid. All the discoveries of science have been due to man's curiosity, but the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have little concern with the welfare of the public.




1. 分析本课第一段倒数第三句句构:

It( 形式主语) is no business of theirs what their neighbors do(名词从句作真实主语).

= What their neighbors do is no business of theirs.

= What their neighbors do is none of their business.

= What their neighbors do has nothing to do with them.



It is no business of yours who I'm going to marry.

Who I'm going to marry is none of your business.

= Who I'm going to marry is no business of yours.

= Who I'm going to marry has nothing to do with you.


*上句的名词性从句who 原本应采用宾格whom,作及物动词 marry(嫁;娶)的宾语,不过现在英、美语均用who取代,如下例:

Whom(宾语) did you see(vt.) last night?(少用)

Who( 宾语 )did yousee(vt.)last night?(常用)

2. 复习与过去事实相反的虚拟语气句型:

a. If+主语+had+过去分词,主语+would have(should have,could have,might have)+过去分词

如果当时……的话,……  就会……了(就应……了,就能够……了,就可能……了)


If I had seen him yesterday, I would have told him the truth.


John told me that if he had had enough money that time, he might haveboughtthat fancy sports car.


b. 我们在本系列丛书曾学过,if 从句中若有过去完成式助动词(had + 过去分词)、should、were 出现时,可将 had、should 或 were 置句首,省略 if,故上述例句均可改变如下:

Had I seen him yesterday, I would have told him the truth.

John told me that had he had enough money that time, he might have bought that fancy sports car.

3. 本课第二段第三句即采用了与过去事实相反并省略 if 的虚拟语气句型:

Columbus could never have found America had he not been curious.

= Columbus could never have found America if he had not been curious.




英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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