看完下午的espn的The Jump栏目,三人讨论关于火箭森林狼的交易方案。两个嘉宾保罗皮尔斯和Jorge Sedano都站火箭这边觉得应该做交易。




You know what, initially, I would say no because you see what happens to the Nets — mortgage the future for now. But this is the Rockets, they have the barometer, or where they are right now. They are a team that pushed the Warriors 7 games. Before, when I got traded to the Nets, it was like we just put the team together, you know it wasn’t like they have a nucleus that was there and was like a game away from the championship. Houston rockets is right there. Beating the Warriors, I will say you go and do it! I mean, this is the move that can possibly help you get over to the top to beat the Warriors. You have a chance to add to Chris Paul and James Harden. Jimmy Butler? You go for it. You go all in!

本来我是对这个方案说no的,你看看当年的网队发生了什么,简直是把未来透支使用。但现在这只队伍是火箭,他们有个高度计,或者知道他们现在在什么高度。他们是把勇士逼到第七场的球队!当年我被交易的时候,我们就是把一只队伍组合在一起。并不像是他们这样,已经有了核心,并且和冠军只相差一场。火箭就是这样一直队伍。要想打败勇士的话,我觉得就这么办吧!这可能是让你登顶并打败勇士的一个操作。你现在有机会在哈登和保罗之后再加一个球星。吉米巴特勒?当然要去拼啊,all in吧!!!

一起参加节目的另一个嘉宾Jorge Sedano随后补充:

Yes I am with Paul on this. If you are rockets, you absolutely do this. There is no brainer because you have the center piece unlike the Brooklyn situation. You have a center piece who is James Harden who is the MVP, who is gonna be good for for a number of years. OK, there is a center piece and you think you are gonna be a good team for a long time. You can add Jimmy Butler. You can maybe beat the Warriors! But if I am Minnesota, I don’t want this deal. Because of what you said Rachel, I don’t know where these picks are gonna be, and if what’s been reported, which is, Marquese Chriss could be the center piece of this deal, that is not enough if I am Thibs. No chance.

是的啊我站皮尔斯这边。如果你是火箭,这是想都不用想的因为这和当年网队的情况不一样。 你有个核心詹姆斯哈登, 他是MVP,而且他会在接下来的几年中都保持不错的状态。这只队伍有核心,而且你认为这只队伍状态好会持续很久。 那么你加一个巴特勒,你就可能打败勇士啊!但是如果我是明尼苏达,我不会要这个交易方案。就和Rachel刚才说的一样,我不知道这些选秀权将来会在什么位置。而且,如果就和报道的一样,克里斯是交易的关键组成,那么如果我是锡伯杜,我会说no的,这完全不够,没机会。

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