
No.17 埃爾·格列柯 | 一位天才而又非常複雜的人物

摘要:Christ on the cross with two Maries and St. John,1588。St. Joseph and the Christ Child,1599。


El Greco


西班牙畫家, (1541-1614)

埃爾·格列柯(西班牙語:El Greco,1541年–1614年4月7日),本名多米尼克·提托克波洛(Doménikos Theotokópoulos)。出生1541年於威尼斯共和國克里特;逝世1614年4月7日(72–73歲)於西班牙託雷多。埃爾·格列柯屬於矯飾主義(樣式主義)運動者。西班牙/希臘文藝復興時期繪畫家、雕塑家與建築家。他是一位天才而又非常複雜的人物。

—— By ArtYouhua


Christ healing the blind man,1560

“埃爾·格列柯”在西班牙文中意爲“希臘人”,是依格列柯的希臘血統而取的別名;埃爾·格列柯在畫作上通常署名以希臘文全名 Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος(多米尼克·提托克波洛斯,西班牙文:Doménikos Theotokópoulos)。

Dormition of the Virgin,1566


Baptism of Christ,1568


The Last Supper,1568

埃爾·格列柯代表作:《脫掉基督的外衣》 (1577–1579)、《聖母昇天》 (1577–1579)、《歐貴茲伯爵的葬禮》 (1586–1588)、《託利多風景》 (1596–1600)、《揭開第五印》 (1608–1614)。

A boy blowing on an ember to light a candle,1570


St. Luke painting the Virgin,1568


Christ driving the traders from the temple,1570


Adoration of the Shepherds,1570


Mount Sinai,1570

The Entombment of Christ,1568-1570

St. Francis receiving the stigmata,1571

Portrait of Giulio Clovio,1572

Deposition in the tomb,1575

Pietà (The Lamentation of Christ),1575

Portrait of a man (Andrea Palladio),1575

Vincenzo Anastagi,1575

Christ driving the traders from the temple,1571-1576

The Annunciation,1576

Assumption of the Virgin,1577

Mary Magdalene in Penitence,1577

St. Antony of Padua,1577

St. Sebastian,1577

The Holy Trinity,1577

Ascension of Jesus,1577

Saint John the Evangelist,1577

Christ carrying the cross,1578

Christ healing the blind,1578

St. Francis receiving the stigmata,1578

The Penitent Magdalene,1578

Saint Benedict,1577-1579


St. John the Baptist,1579

St. John the Evangelist,1579

The Disrobing of Christ,1577-1579

The Dream of Philip II,1579

Apparition of the Virgin to St. Lawrence,1580

Portrait of a doctor Rodrigo de la Fuente,1580

Portrait of a gentleman from Casa de Leiva,1580

Portrait of a man,1580

St. Mary Magdalene,1580

St. Veronica with the Holy Shroud,1580

The Adoration of the Name of Jesus,1580

Martyrdom of St. Maurice and His Legions,1580-1581

The Knight with his hand on his breast,1584


St. Francis praying,1585

St. Peter in Penitence,1585

The Holy Family,1585

The Virgin of the Immaculate Conception and St. John,1585

Virgin Mary,1585

Portrait of an elder nobleman,1585

Portrait of a man,1586

Christ on the cross,1587

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz,1587

Christ on the cross with two Maries and St. John,1588

St. Dominic praying,1588

Allegory, boy lighting candle in the company of an ape and a fool - Fábula,1590

Christ on the cross adored by two donors,1590

Julian Romero de las Azanas and his patron St. Julian,1590

St. Francis receiving the stigmata,1590

St. Francis receiving the stigmata,1590

St. Louis King of France with a Page,1590

Penitent Magdalene,1590

Coronation of the Virgin,1591

Coronation of the Virgin,1591

Apostles Peter and Paul,1592

Holy Family,1592


Antonio de Covarrubias,1594

Christ carrying the cross,1595

Female portrait,1595

Lady with a Flower in Her Hair,1595

Poet Ercilla y Zuniga by El Greco,1595

St. Francis praying,1595

St. James the Less,1595

St. Jerome as Cardinal,1595

St. Paul and St. Peter,1595

Study of a Man,1595

The Resurrection,1595

Adoration of the Shepherds,1596



Portrait of a Cardinal (Probably Cardinal Don Fernando Niño de Guevara),1598

St. Martin and the Beggar,1598

St. Joseph and the Christ Child,1599

The Virgin and Child with St. Martina and St. Agnes,1597-1599

View of Toledo,1599

The Purification of the Temple,1600

Allegory of Camaldolese Order,1599-1600


Baptism of Christ,1597-1600

Christ blessing (The Saviour of the World),1600

Christ in the Olive Garden,1600

Marriage at Cana,1600

Portrait of a man,1600

Portrait of Alonso de Herrera,1600

Portrait of an old man (presumed self-portrait of El Greco),1600

St. Francis and brother Leo meditating on death,1600

St. Jacobus,1600

St. John the Baptist,1600


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