设计 \ Design:AMUNT

摄影 \ Photography Credits:Brigida González


After a long search, a couple with two children purchased a townhouse in a workers’ housing estate in Stuttgart. The house – which originally dates from the 1930s and was reconstructed in the 1950s.

房子所处的地理位置是一处斜坡,在斯图加特也是比较典型与常见的,入口则位于建筑北面的一个小小前院。房子是一座四层楼高的塔楼,面积不大,约为6.85 x 7.30米,所以导致单层空间太小,无法一一容纳厨房、客厅和家庭用餐区。

The house is built on a sloping site typical for Stuttgart. With its small, roughly square plan of 6.85 x 7.30 meters, it rises like a tower four stories above the property. The house is entered from a small front yard on the north side. The ground floor was too small to accommodate a kitchen, living room, and dining area for the family and also had no direct access to the garden on the south side.


The intimate garden could only be reached by taking a narrow, steep stair into the basement and then walking through the very low-ceilinged laundry room. So we proposed to convert the garden-level basement into living space. To do so, we removed much of the entry-level floor: the cinder concrete slab from the 1950s was partly demolished and replaced by a reinforced concrete ring beam supporting a floor slab with voids to either side. The resulting platform for the new, gallery-like living room is one step higher than the original floor, differentiating it from the entry area and the adjacent work alcove. This also gives the living room more intimacy and yields more headroom for the new kitchen beneath. A newly inserted wooden stair leads down to the garden level, where the kitchen adjoins a double-height dining area with a room-wide bench that offers ample seating for many guests. Larger windows and a new sliding glass door now join the space to a new terrace and the garden itself.


The modifications have created a captivating, loft-like dwelling whose compact scale offers intimate places while also providing a sense of spaciousness and a wide variety of visual connections. The structural intervention remains clearly legible in the exposed concrete, whose surfaces have generally been left raw. Only the top of the platform has been ground down to obtain a refined, terrazzo-like appearance.


The house has been carefully renovated throughout. The existing wood floors and the curved wooden stair have been preserved while the layout has been modernized. Upstairs, the existing spaces have been transformed into an open landscape for children and guests. Sliding doors connect the three rooms and facilitate communal as well as intimate use of the space. In the attic above, the clients have private space of their own, with a bedroom, a dressing room, and a new bathroom.

轴测图 Axonometry

平面图 Plan

立面图 Section

项目名称 / Project Title: NUB

设计与施工 / Design and Construction: 2016-2017

项目地址 / Location: 德国斯图尔特 / Stuttgart, Germany

建筑设计 / Architects: AMUNT Nagel Theissen, Stuttgart

占地面积 / Floor Space: 168 ㎡

建筑面积 / Gross Floor Area: 280 ㎡

结构工程师 / Structural Engineer: Reinhard Kaltenbach, Holzgerlingen

工程主管 / Construction Supervisor: Guido Reicherter, Stuttgart

家具木工 / Cabinet Maker: Rainer Rapp, Haigerloch

空间摄影 / Photography: Brigida González

德文翻译 / Translation: David Koralek, Berlin

Amunt 建筑设计公司

所获奖项 Awards

›Cite des Arts Paris‹ Bundesstipendium 2017

›Auszeichnung Guter Bauten 2014‹ BDA NRW

›Fritz-Höger-Preis 2014‹

›Deutscher Architekturpreis 2013‹ Auszeichnung

›Häuser-Award 2013‹ Anerkennung

›Knauf Award 2013‹ 2.Preis Design

›Holzbaupreis Eifel 2012‹

›Holzbaupreis NRW 2012‹

›Hugo-Häring-Preis 2012‹

›Holzbaupreis Baden-Württemberg 2012‹

›AIT Award 2012‹ Selection

›Farbe-Struktur-Oberfläche 2012‹ Nominierung

›DDC Gute Gestaltung 12‹ Auszeichnung

›Hugo-Häring-Auszeichnung 2011‹ Preisträger

›Häuser des Jahres 2011‹ Auszeichnung

›AR House 2011‹ 1.Preis

›Holzbaupreis 2011‹ Engere Wahl

›Detail Preis 2011‹ Finalist

›Heinze Award 2011‹ Sonderpreis der Jury

›Bauwelt Preis 2011‹ Engere Wahl

›Weißenhof-Architekturförderpreis 4‹ Ausz.



Ausstellung im Rahmen der SO ARTY

09.09.17, Cite International des Arts, Paris


Wanderausstellung Wüstenrotstiftung

24.02.-27.03.15, Wchselraum BDA, Stuttgart

›FRITZ-HÖGER-PREIS 2014‹ Wanderausstellung

19.09—19.10.2014, DAZ Berlin

›9 GROSSE HUGOS - Die Besten im Südwesten‹

10.02.-22.03.2012, Stuttgart, Wechselraum


›REDUCE/REUSE/RECYCLE - Ressource Architektur‹

01.11.2012-01.02.2013, Berlin, Galerie Aea


29.08.-25.11.2012, Deutscher Pavillon

13th La Biennale di Venezia



›TIME CAPSULE – Eine Frau, ein Baum, eine Kuh‹

14.09.–21.10.2012, Kunstraum München


项目投稿:[email protected]商务合作:[email protected]

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