






  “总统建议我,如何笑声停下了,吹嘘一下他的政绩就行。不得不说,这招在联合国真挺好用。”直到辞职后,大家才知道美国常驻联合国代表黑莉也很“皮”。 她还在晚宴上打趣道,特朗普被“Indian”搞蒙,误以为“印度裔”的黑莉是“印第安人”,还问她是不是和沃伦一个部落?














  Outgoing United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley showed off her sense of humor during a speech at a high-profile charity dinner in New York City on Thursday night.

  Haley was the keynote speaker at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, an annual white-tie gala that benefits Catholic charities and is hosted by by the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

  President Donald Trump, Winston Churchill, and former President John F. Kennedy have spoken at the dinner in years past, which traditionally resembles more of a stand-up routine.

  In front of a crowd of about 700, including Mayor Bill de Blasio, billionaire Michael Bloomberg, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Haley poked fun at Trump, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions among others.

  Here are some of the jokes that got the biggest laughs Thursday night:

  1. "A couple of weeks ago I had this great breakfast with Cardinal Dolan, and I asked him if there was anything I could do to really boost attendance. ... He said, 'Why don't you resign as UN ambassador?' You didn't tell me you were kidding!"

  2. "Jeff Flake was going to be here, but he wanted to give the FBI a week to look into it."

  3. "With all of our differences, there is still one thing that unites all 193 [UN member] countries. At one point, every single one of them was paying Paul Manafort."

  4. "People always wonder if I felt different or isolated as an Indian-American growing up in rural South Carolina. Actually, there was a benefit. It totally prepared me for being a Republican in New York."

  5. "I am still someone who gets very excited about Halloween, but in this toxic environment, even this causes political arguments. Bernie Sanders wants free candy for everyone. Mitch McConnell calls it a typical Democrat giveaway program. The President says its going to be the best Halloween ever -- nothing like it ever before, huge!"

  6. "As a member of the UN delegation, I do have diplomatic immunity ... an exemption from prosecution, or as Mayor de Blasio calls it, a sanctuary city! Oh look, I got the mayor a drink up on stage -- no ice!"

  7. "People ask me all the time what they should call me -- governor, ambassador, Nikki. You can call me anything, just don't call me anonymous."

  8. "I saw Jeff Sessions earlier today -- not in New York. I saw him on LinkedIn looking for a job. Actually, we both were."

  9. "I saw when recently [President Barack Obama] said that we're not supposed to use the FBI or the Justice Department to punish political enemies. Comey, McCabe and Strzok said, now you tell us! Turns out what President Obama meant to say -- 'That's what we use the IRS for.'"

  10. "The President got really mad about Woodward's book, really mad. The book compared him to a fifth grader. A lot of Democrats seized on that, until they realized, they got beat by a fifth grader."

  It wasn't all jokes for Haley, though, on Thursday night. At one point, she turned serious and appeared to call out Trump's political antagonism.

  "In our toxic political environment, I've heard some people in both parties describe their opponents as enemies or evil," Haley said. "In America, our political opponents are not evil."

  New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman said in atweetthat this comment was "why folks in the West Wing were so annoyed with the showy Haley departure — they knew she would take shots [at] Trump from the outside. Started early."

  Thursday night's speech was the first major public appearance Haley has made since she announced last week her intention to resign from her post at the end of the year.

  The move sparked discussion about whether Haley might be intending to run for president, perhaps even challenging Trump for the Republican nomination in 2020, but Haley shot down those rumors during a press conference at the White House — going so far as to say she intended to help campaign for the president.

  However, her resignation was seen by many as a way for Haley, who has become a highly respected figure, to distance herself from the chaos of the Trump administration so that she can pursue higher office later on.





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