unemployed: without a job 没有工作的,失业的

an unemployed actor 没戏演的演员----朗文字典

neat: spoken very good, pleasant, or enjoyable 好的;令人愉快的

That's a really neat idea. 那个主意真不错。---朗文字典

"A neat little idea popped into your head." (灵光一现,你想到了一个好主意)----英剧《神探夏洛克》

in case: as a way of being safe from something that might happen or might be true 以防万一

Take an umbrella, in case it rains. 带把伞吧,以防下雨。----朗文字典

"Dana, stay here in case O'Brian needs anything." (丹娜,呆在这里,以备奥布雷恩的不时之需)----美剧《24小时》

"I need to be prepared, just in case." (我可得准备一现,就以防万一)----美剧《新飞跃比弗利》

That’s all for today.

October 13, 2018. XOXO.

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