clear: If you are clear about something, you understand it completely. 彻底明白的

"So do we have this clear?" (你明白了吗?)----《涉外大饭店2》

"Do I make myself clear?" (我说的够清楚了吗?)----美剧《天机密语》

just to be clear 只是想确定一下,再多嘴问一下。

even the score 使分数持平,可引申为实施报复,以牙还牙

He scored a beautiful goal to even the score. 他踢进漂亮一球,使分数拉平。----有道英语

这里的剧情是秃鹰抓伤了Mick, Mick就发毒誓说要再找到一只来报复。

trunk: the part at the back of a car where you can put bags, tools etc〔汽车后部的〕行李箱,后备箱

"They put her in the trunk." (他们把她关进了后备箱)----美剧《24小时》

That’s all for today

July 27, 2018. XOXO

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