摘要:世界斯诺克巡回赛(WST)与英国独立电视台体育(ITV Sport)共同决定,本周在兰迪德诺的巡回锦标赛将延期进行,以应对冠状病毒疫情。Following Monday's announcement from the UK government that public are advised to avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues, we have liaised with ITV Sport and come to the decision to postpone the event, with new provisional dates of July 21st to 26ththis year at the same venue。

官宣!斯诺克巡回锦标赛延期 暂定于7月21日举办

世界斯诺克巡回赛(WST)与英国独立电视台体育(ITV Sport)共同决定,本周在兰迪德诺的巡回锦标赛将延期进行,以应对冠状病毒疫情。赛事原定于本周二至周日在ITV4播出。

周一,英国政府建议避免酒吧、俱乐部、剧院以及其他社交场所。我们与ITV Sport经磋商后决定将赛事暂时延期至今年7月21日至26日,在同一场馆进行。



Following Monday's announcement from the UK government that public are advised to avoid pubs, clubs, theatres and other such social venues, we have liaised with ITV Sport and come to the decision to postpone the event, with new provisional dates of July 21st to 26ththis year at the same venue。

