

  3C 原则

  1. Deliver a Clear message

  2. Use Correct grammar, vocabulary and punctuation

  3. BeConcise

  所以3C原则就是clear 清晰,correct 正确,concise 简明。记住重点在于更有效的传达信息,而不是用你丰富的词汇量给对方留下印象,用更简单的句型和清晰的组织来使你写的东西更易读。 避免陈词滥调,那些不能给你的信息带来任何新的东西的词可以省略掉。



  1. Please kindly....

  2. Please help...

  3. We would appreciate...

  4. 用to代替 in order to

  5. 用regarding 代替about

  6. 用before 代替 prior to

  7. 快速回复用 prompt reply

  8. 用by 代替 no later than

  9. 用since 代替 due to the fact that

  10. 用另一封邮件 by my separate email..



  1. 开场白:

  Hope you are doing well.

  Hope this email finds you well.

  Hope all is well.

  2. 回复开场白:

  Further to our conversation earlier, .........

  As discussed over the phone, .......

  As checked with.....

  Thanks for your kind reply.

  Thanks for your prompt reply.

  Thanks for your kind feedback.


  As per my email sent on xxxx

  Please help to clarify....

  3. 结尾:

  We are looking forward to hearing from you.

  Many thanks for your support.

  Please kindly share us a feedback by today.

  FYI: For your information

  For your reference

  4. 深盼贵公司及早回复:

  We trust you will share us a feedback at your earliest.

  We hope that you could reply us as early as you can.

  Please kindly update the status with me.

  Please kindly reply at your convenience.

  Please help to reply ASAP.

  Please share us a feedback as early as possible/ASAP.

  Please get back to us by today.

  I did not hear from you yet.

  A prompt reply would help us greatly.

  A prompt reply will be appreciated.

  Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

  Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

  As the matter is urgent, please try your best.....

  5. 回函迟误, 请见谅

  I apologise for my late reply..

  6. 邮件结尾:

  Should you have any questions, please let me know.

  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach me out.

  Your kindly cooperation is much appreciated.

  Many thanks in advance.

  7. 我会与你保持联络,让你知道实情的进展:

  I will keep you posted.

  I will keep you in loop.

  I will keep you updated.

  I'm looping in xxx who is leading..

  8. 关于附件attach的用法总结如下:

  最常用的就是:please find attached......

  I am enclosing...我附上...

  Attached here to...附件是关于...

  Attached please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning…


  Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.


  We enclose a copy of our latest price list.


  Enclosed is a copy of our latest price list.

  Enclosed please find a copy of ……

  Attached please find …

  I enclose the evaluation report for your reference.我附加了评估报告供您阅读。

  Attached please find today's meeting notes.今天的会议记录在附件里。





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