


4月9日,英国《经济学家》杂志刊登驻英国使馆发言人致函,对其有关中国抗疫以及中国大陆阻碍台湾地区抗疫的错误言论进行驳斥。全文如下:  关于《经济学家》杂志3月28日刊登的台北驻英国代表处代表林永乐的来信,我想声明,没有人比中国中央政府更关心台湾同胞的健康福祉。武汉疫情发生后,国家卫生健康委及时主动向台湾地区通报疫情信息。1月中旬,应台湾地区相关部门请求,台湾地区专家到武汉进行了实地全面考察,并同参与疫情防控和患者治疗的大陆专家进行了交流。台方医疗专家对大陆方面的接待表达由衷感谢。  世界卫生组织(WHO)是由主权国家组成的联合国专门机构,台湾参与WHO等国际组织活动,必须在一个中国原则下通过协商作出合情合理安排。根据中方同WHO达成的安排,台湾地区的医疗卫生专家可以参加WHO相关技术会议,有需要时WHO专家可赴台湾地区进行考察或提供援助。这些安排确保了无论是岛内还是国际上发生突发公共卫生事件,台湾地区均可及时有效应对。  疫情发生以来,中方一直本着公开、透明和负责任的态度,及时向世界卫生组织和国际社会通报情况,分享信息,开展国际合作。中方为防控疫情采取迅速而果断的举措,付出巨大努力,不仅保护了本国人民,也保护了世界各国人民。这些重要的事实以及中方的努力与牺牲需要被世界了解和赞赏。


Embassy Spokesperson's letter to The Economist on its unjustified comments on China's fight against the COVID-19

Regarding the letter from Taiwan's representative about the response to covid-19 (March 28th), no one cares more about the health of our compatriots in Taiwan than China's government. The National Health Commission promptly notified the Taiwan region about the outbreak in Wuhan. In mid-January, as requested by the relevant authorities on the island, experts from Taiwan visited Wuhan for first-hand experience of disease prevention and control, medical treatment and pathogen detection. They also held discussions with experts on the mainland and expressed heartfelt appreciation for their reception and the information obtained during their visit.

Membership of the World Health Organisation is based on sovereign statehood. The participation of Taiwan in the activities of international organisations is and must be arranged properly under the one-China principle. Based on the arrangement agreed between China and the who, medical experts from Taiwan can attend technical meetings at the who, and the who can send experts to the island for inspection or assistance. Such arrangements ensure that the island's response to public health emergencies is effective regardless of wherever they may take place.

Since the outbreak of covid-19, China has been open, swift and responsible in sharing information and the latest progress with the who and the wider international community, and is co-operating with other countries and regions. By taking swift and decisive measures to slow down the spread of the virus, China has done its utmost to protect not only its own people but also people beyond its borders. These important facts, and China's efforts and sacrifice, need to be understood and appreciated.

本文来源:中国驻英国大使馆 责任编辑:杜硕_NB12556