1 open-collar worker:自由职业者

2 trophy child:模范儿童

3 social terrorism:(社交场合)不速之客/社交炸弹

4 upcycle product:升级改造产品

5 dual-core family :双核家庭

6 exchanging grass:换草行动/acquaintance blind date:熟人组织的相亲

7 career veneer :职业虚景


大概每个在职场打拼的人都希望至少捧得一个“铁饭碗”,旱涝保收,安稳长久。不过,在职场竞争如此激烈的今天,什么材质的饭碗都有被砸的可能。所以,不少人开始琢磨给自己打工,做个辛苦却快乐的open-collar worker。

An open-collar worker refers to a person who does jobs at home that once required an office setting.

Open-collar worker(字面意思为“开领工人”)指把家当办公室,在家里上班的人,即“自由职业者”。



“望子成龙,望女成凤”似乎是很多家长的想法,自己年轻时没有实现的理想要让自己的下一代来实现。于是,模范、标兵、优秀…各种各样能在父母脸上贴金的荣誉诞生了。小朋友们则被包装成了trophy child。

Trophy child refers to a child used to impress other people and enhance the status of the parents. The child has to fit into the perfect picture of what the family is supposed to look like. They have to be in the best schools; they always have to look good. Their parents are so narcissistic, they can't see their child as an individual, only a reflection of themselves.


“模范儿童”(trophy child或trophy kid)的这层意思是由心理学家李•豪斯纳在她1990年出版的《天堂的孩子》一书中首创的。在书中,她介绍了一系列trophy用做形容词并且表达“在别人面前夸耀并提升自己地位”之意的短语,trophy child只是其中之一。



Social terrorism means when someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time, and you can't tell them to leave without being rude.

Social terrorism(译为“不速之客”或“社交炸弹”)指有熟人在你不太方便的时候突然到访,而且停留很长时间,你又不能很粗鲁地要求人家离开。


Yesterday, I was just about to go out, and then the doorbell rang. It was Sally, and she invited herself in and stayed for an hour! It was social terrorism!




To upcycle something is to take a used object and adapt it in an innovative way to a new function. Unlike recycling, which usually involves breaking down the material an object is made from, before it is made into something else (thereby using more energy), upcycling involves using something in a new way without doing anything to reprocess the material it's made from. As well as being more energy efficient, another major benefit of upcycling is that it makes it possible to reuse items made of materials which couldn't be dealt with by conventional recycling methods. When something is upcycled, nothing, or very little, is discarded, with every component part or material having a potential use.





Dual-core family refers to a family where both husband and wife are the only child or the single “core” of their own families before they got married. The new family, of course, has two “cores” as neither of the couple knows how to behave not as a “core” in a family.



The number of dual-core families has been growing in recent years since more and more post-80s are getting married.




The term “acquaintance blind date” literally means “exchanging grass”, with grass referring to young men. Such events are usually initiated by “leftover women” — single women who have passed the best age for getting married. These women may bring single male friends, colleagues or relatives to a get-together and expect to find their Mr. Right among their peers’ male friends.





Career veneer refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement, increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing.



I had my first year appraisal at the McDonalds today. They painted a bit of a career veneer over the last year.




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