
No sooner had Master Cherry set eyes on the piece of wood than his face beamed with delight; and, rubbing his hands together with satisfaction, he said softly to himself: "This wood has come at the right moment; it will just do to make the leg of a little table."


Having said this he immediately took a sharp axe with which to remove the bark and the rough surface. Just, however, as he was going to give the first stroke he remained with his arm suspended in the air, for he heard a very small voice saying imploringly, "Do not strike me so hard!"

嘟囔完,他便立马拿出一把锋利的斧头动手干了起来, 先剥掉树皮,然后除去粗糙的表面。但是,他正打算砍下第一斧头的时候,手却在半空中停住了,因为他听到一细若游丝的声音哀求道:"拜托你不要那么用力砍!"

Pictures to yourselves the astonishment of good old Master Cherry!


He turned his terrified eyes all round the room to try and discover where the little voice could possibly have come from, but he saw nobody! He looked under the bench – nobody; he looked into a cupboard into a basket of shavings and sawdust – nobody; he even opened the door of the shop and gave a glance into the street and still nobody. Who, then, could it be?



no sooner had/did… than 一……就,刚……就

No sooner had he sat down than the phone rang. (他刚坐下电话就响了。)

with which 介词 + which 后接不定式短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。

He has a knife with which to defend himself.


类似的还有by which,in which ,on which,从句和主句通过which这个词连接,至于前面的by, in, on都是视主语的情况而定的,总之which是不变的,它可以搭配各种介词。如:The bike by which I go to school was stolen.

我上学的自行车被偷了。定语从句是: by which I go to school, 代入所修饰的名词 变成,by bike I go to school。因为by bike 是固定搭配,所以这里的介词只能用by。

Allow me half an hour in which to wash the clothes.


He had no pretext on which to break his promise.


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