

Dancing Naked for Rain 来自北京外语广播 00:00 24:59

In an arid area of Australia, 500 women danced naked. The dance was organized to help bring rain to the drought-stricken area. The dance was organized in the small town of Oyuen in the far northwest state of Victoria. The ceremony was inspired by a Nepali drought-breaking tradition that is said to have worked for centuries. The women were given the option of dancing either fully naked or partially clothed in sarongs, or wrap-around skirts. Organizers of the event are positive and are hoping that this event along with other drought-ending activities will help bring rain to this area.

The drought in Australia can be partially to blame for the numerous forest fires that have raged in the area over the past few years. The lack of rain has hurt the farming industry and it is feared that if it continues, the situation will become dangerous for all inhabitants. The only problems for the naked dancers were reports of sunburn and heat exhaustion.




1. 已知两个动词无并列连词 and 连接时,第二个动词应变成现在分词,若动 词为 be(即 is, am, are, was, were)则一律变成现在分词 being,再予省略。 请参看下例:

The hero  died  was  young. (×,died 与 was 无 and 连接)

→ The hero died was   (being) young.

→ The hero died young. (○)


David was born was blind. (×,第二个 was 之前无 and 连接)

→ David was  (being) born was blind.

→ David was born blind.


不过中文 ''他天生就是个音乐家。'' 不可译成:

He was  (being) born was a musician. (×)

→ He was born a musician. (×)

理由:上句表示 ''他出生的时候就是个音乐家了'',不合逻辑。

若表示 ''他天生就是个音乐家'' 有下列正确的说法:

He is a born musician. (此处 born 是形容词,表 ''天生的'')

但:He was  (being) born was a healthy baby.

→ He was born a healthy baby. (○)


2. 根据上述,本课第一句原为:

In an arid area of Australia, 500 women danced were naked. (×)

理由:danced 与 were 均为动词,无连接词 and 连接,故应将第二个动词 were 改成现在分词 being,再予省略,即成:

In an arid area of Australia, 500 women danced naked. (○),naked 作主语 500 women 的补足语。





英语学习专家 | 赖世雄


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