




日前,美国一家八卦杂志In Touch爆料威廉王子出轨凯特的闺蜜——乔蒙德利侯爵夫人Rose Hanbury。

In addition, according to InTouch Weekly, Prince William just “laughed it off” when his wife asked about the rumors because it was not true.


This week, Globe published a report claiming that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are in divorce talks amid the cheating rumors involving Prince William and their neighbor and friend Rose Hanbury.

本周,《Globe》发表的一篇报道称,威廉王子和他的邻居、朋友Rose Hanbury传出了出轨传闻,目前威廉王子(剑桥公爵)和凯特王妃(剑桥公爵夫人)正在商讨离婚。

The tabloid’s headline reads “William & Kate Divorce Talks Cheating Scandal Explodes.” It included a photo of Rose questioning why she was banned from the royal couple’s inner circle.


“Prince William and his jealous wife, Kate, are consulting divorce lawyers after their marriage blew up over scandalous rumors he was having an affair,” the report reads.


Middleton was reportedly humiliated that Prince William was cheating under her nose and the duchess refused to be “played for a fool.”


The unnamed tipster continued with his claims saying that Middleton had a “meltdown” and “confrontation” with Prince William where she made a “nasty accusation” against her husband.


Gossip Cop, however, debunked the claims, saying that while it’s “very dramatic,“ the speculations are not true. Also, there are no other respected outlets claiming about Prince William and Middleton in divorce talks.

然而,《Gossip Cop》否认了这一说法,称虽然这“很戏剧化”,但猜测并不属实。此外,没有其他权威媒体报道威廉王子和凯特正在商讨离婚一事。

However, the insider said that it somehow affected the couple. In fact, it rocked the palace and her marriage with Middleton.


The source added that Prince William and Middleton are not splitting and just want the rumors to end.


Prince William’s lawyers have already taken legal actions to stop this scandal. At least one publication reportedly received a legal warning for issuing details about the rumors which are “false and highly damaging.”



Prince William and Middleton were last seen together with their kids Prince George and Princess Charlotte and the Tindalls. The couple appeared in good spirits despite the rumors and were visibly having a good time.


A number of netizens also don't believe the rumors because they notice that Prince William is much happier when he is with Middleton. One online user claimed that the Duke of Cambridge has a cheeky smile that she never sees when Prince William with other people including Prince Harry except when Middleton is around.


英文来源:Amazment Sight


